Credit: 1 PDH Webinar
Webinar: 52 minutes
Webinar Price: $30.00
Dam, Reservoir, and Aqueduct Design 23:49 minutes
Now consider the water that you want in your house—for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Examine the technologies that collect water from a watershed and transport it to a municipality. Explore different designs for dams, and marvel at the Catskill Aqueduct that carries fresh water to New York City.
Water Treatment and Distribution 28:54 minutes
Learn how raw water from nature is treated to make it safe for drinking. Then trace the distribution system that supplies water under pressure to users. Professor Ressler demonstrates two crucial technologies in this system: the flocculation chamber and the water tower.
By the end of this course the student will be able to identify different designs for dams, and understand two crucial technologies in the distribution system that supplies water under pressure to users: the flocculation changer and the water tower.