
Safety & Failure Analysis Continuing Education PDH Courses

The following Safety & Failure Analysis Continuing Education PDH Courses for engineers have been selected carefully to maintain, improve or expand the technical knowledge of the license's in his/her field of practice.

Safety Failure Analysis Continuing Education PDH Courses

All Subject matters are technical in nature and addresses business management practices, professional ethics, quality assurance, codes or other similar topics which facilitate the licensee's professional development as a professional engineer and serves to safeguard (HSW) Health, safety and welfare of the citizens.

Safety & Failure Analysis PDH Courses

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL665Accident - Bridge Collapse in North CarolinaNew PDH Course - Accident - Bridge Collapse in North Carolina 6$90.00
OL664Assessing Emerging Policy Threats to the U.S. Power GridNew PDH Course - Assessing Emerging Policy Threats to the U.S. Power Grid 4$36.00
OL658Accident - Fatal Well Blowout in Burleson, TexasNew PDH Course - Accident - Fatal Well Blowout in Burleson, Texas 8$120.00
OL657Accident - Tank Farm Explosion and Fire in Deer Park, TexasNew PDH Course - Accident - Tank Farm Explosion and Fire in Deer Park, Texas 15$225.00
OL629Excavation CollapseNew PDH Course - Excavation Collapse 3$45.00
OL628Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper MillNew PDH Course - Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper Mill 7$105.00
OL627Mast Climbing Platform Collapse in Austin, TexasNew PDH Course - Mast Climbing Platform Collapse in Austin, Texas 4$48.00
OL625Tank Explosion in West VirginiaNew PDH Course - Tank Explosion in West Virginia 6$90.00
OL623Trench CollapseNew PDH Course - Trench Collapse 1$12.00
OL622ADA - Accessible, Golf, Playground, Swimming and FishingNew PDH Course - ADA - Accessible, Golf, Playground, Swimming and Fishing 17$204.00
OL621A Brief Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceNew PDH Course - A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 1$15.00
OL616Hydrogen Sulfide Release at Waterflood Station in Odessa, TexasNew PDH Course - Hydrogen Sulfide Release at Waterflood Station in Odessa, Texas 5$60.00
OL613ADA - Ramps and Curb RampsNew PDH Course - ADA - Ramps and Curb Ramps 2$24.00
OL612Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, FloridaNew PDH Course - Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida 11$165.00
OL611Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, MissouriNew PDH Course - Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri 12$180.00
OL610Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, TexasNew PDH Course - Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, Texas 12$180.00
OL609Blowout and Rig fire in Pittsburg County, OklahomaNew PDH Course - Blowout and Rig fire in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma 20$198.00
OL549Surveying and Mapping with Drones PDH Course - Surveying and Mapping with Drones 1$12.00
OL536Advanced Drone Technology PDH Course - Advanced Drone Technology 7$105.00
OL506Guide to ADA Standards PDH Course - Guide to ADA Standards 25$225.00
OL526Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter-GFCI PDH Course - Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter-GFCI 1$12.00
OL561OSHA-Controlling Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) PDH Course - OSHA-Controlling Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)

OL521One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees PDH Course - One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees 2$24.00
OL575Asbestos at Workplace and Residence PDH Course - Asbestos at Workplace and Residence 14$126.00
OL566OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety PDH Course - OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety

OL497Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II PDH Course - Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II 15$225.00
OL331Personal Protective Equipment PDH Course - Personal Protective Equipment 4$48.00
OL577Danger of Asbestos Around the World PDH Course - Danger of Asbestos Around the World 6$54.00

OL621A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL255A Guide for City Water2$24.00
OL392A Guide to OSHA Excavations Standard6$90.00
OL482Accident - 7 Key Lessons to Prevent Worker Death During Hot Work in and Around Tanks2$30.00
OL495Accident - BP-Texas City Refinery Explosion and Fire31$372.00
OL665Accident - Bridge Collapse in North Carolina6$90.00
OL497Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II15$225.00
OL658Accident - Fatal Well Blowout in Burleson, Texas8$120.00
OL488Accident - Fireworks Disposal Explosion11$165.00
OL494Accident - Imperial Sugar Dust Explosion and Fire12$180.00
OL657Accident - Tank Farm Explosion and Fire in Deer Park, Texas15$225.00
OL496Accident - West Texas Fertilizer Company Fire and Explosion34$349.00
OL490Accident Case - Caribbean Petroleum Tank Explosion and Fire14$210.00
OL489Accident Case - Chemical Manufacturing Incident10$90.00
OL493Accident Case - DuPont Methyl Chloride Release23$345.00
OL375Accident Investigation2$24.00
OL513Accident Reporting and Analysis in Forestry7$63.00
OL622ADA - Accessible, Golf, Playground, Swimming and Fishing17$204.00
OL07ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act3$36.00
OL17ADA - Common ADA Error and Omissions in New Constructions and Alterations2$24.00
OL613ADA - Ramps and Curb Ramps2$24.00
OL01ADA and City Government Common Problems + ADA Accessible Stadiums2$24.00
OL02ADA Guide for Small Business2$24.00
OL03ADA Guide for Small Towns3$36.00
OL04ADA Standards for Accessible Design 201030$349.00
OL05ADA Title III Highlights2$24.00
OL536Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL06Aircraft Fire Fighting7$63.00
OL343Appropriate Response to the Uncontrolled Release of Hazardous Substances10$90.00
OL08Army Aviation Lighting6$54.00
OL575Asbestos at Workplace and Residence14$126.00
OL110Asbestos Standard for the Construction industry2$24.00
OL664Assessing Emerging Policy Threats to the U.S. Power Grid4$36.00
OL609Blowout and Rig fire in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma20$198.00
OL09Blowout Prevention (Section 1)3$36.00
OL10BOP Equipment Descriptions and Requirements7$84.00
OL11BOP Inspection and Testing4$48.00
OL12Bridge Inspection18$162.00
OL81Chemical Hazard Communication2$24.00
OL481Climate Change and Evolved Pavements25$299.00
OL19Construction Pocket Guide1$12.00
OL292D.O.T, Low Cost Treatments for Horizontal Curve Safety8$120.00
OL577Danger of Asbestos Around the World6$54.00
OL116Design Guide for Improving School Safety30$349.00
OL21Domestic Wastewater Treatment17$153.00
OL121Earthquake Resistant Construction of Gas and Liquid Fuel Pipeline 6$72.00
OL318Effects of Traffic Calming Measures on Pedestrians and Motorist Behavior3$36.00
OL337Engineering Design - Precipitation, Coagulation, Flocculation14$126.00
OL629Excavation Collapse3$45.00
OL612Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida11$165.00
OL394Fire Detection and Suppression for Building in Historic District2$24.00
OL628Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper Mill7$105.00
OL29Fire Fighting26$234.00
Ol380Fire Protection Design Manual10$120.00
OL395Fire Protection of Structural Steel in High Rise Buildings10$120.00
OL526Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter-GFCI1$12.00
OL447Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites27$324.00
OL254Guidance on Risk Analysis and Safety Implications of a Large Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Spill Over Water20$300.00
OL506Guide to ADA Standards25$225.00
OL257Hazard Communication Guidance for Combustible Dusts2$30.00
OL48How Chemicals Move from the Water into Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms7$105.00
OL47How Safely Erect Steel3$45.00
OL42How to Avoid Earthquake Damage in New Buildings19$285.00
OL49How to Avoid Electrical Hazard2$30.00
OL46How to Avoid Health Hazard in Plumbing Cross Connections6$90.00
OL45How to Avoid Lead Exposure in the Construction Industry5$75.00
OL44How to Build a Radon Resistant Home8$120.00
OL258How to Comply with the Air Quality in Ethylene Oxide Plants2$18.00
OL40How to Design Buildings Against Terrorist Attacks8$120.00
OL50How to Make Sure the Structures Built Near the Flood Zone are Safe3$45.00
OL43How to Preserve Historic Buildings18$270.00
OL52How to Respond In Case Your Oil Tanker Has Grounded Offshore6$90.00
OL595Hybrid Power Plant Design9$135.00
OL616Hydrogen Sulfide Release at Waterflood Station in Odessa, Texas5$60.00
OL268Incinerators Mobilization Construction3$27.00
OL127Installing Seismic Restraints for Mechanical Equipment4$60.00
OL564Introduction to Paint and Coating 1$15.00
OL55aMaintenance & Repair of Building Structures I3$27.00
OL55bMaintenance & Repair of Building Structures II10$90.00
OL55cMaintenance & Repair of Building Structures III20$180.00
OL57Maintenance of Trackage10$90.00
OL58Maintenance of Waterfront Structures8$72.00
OL342Management Guidelines for Working with Radioactive and Mixed Waste20$180.00
OL398Manual for Repair of Fatigue Cracks in Steel Bridges20$299.00
OL627Mast Climbing Platform Collapse in Austin, Texas4$48.00
OL515Measurement of Mercury and Heavy Metals Emissions from Fossil- Fired Power Plants30$270.00
OL263On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) Rules Compilation15$135.00
OL521One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees2$24.00
OL566OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety 1$15.00
OL561OSHA-Controlling Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) 5$45.00
OL264Outdoor Burning3$27.00
OL262Outdoor Burning in Texas3$27.00
OL331Personal Protective Equipment4$48.00
OL611Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri12$180.00
OL65Preventive Maintenance Program2$18.00
OL141Promoting Seismic Safety4$36.00
OL485Response to Extreme Weather Impact on Transportation Systems11$132.00
OL146Risk Based Methodologies for Evaluating Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacts at Oil and Natural Gas E&P Sites10$90.00
OL68Safeguarding Equipment and Protecting Workers from Amputations7$63.00
OL74Solid Waste Management17$153.00
OL549Surveying and Mapping with Drones1$12.00
OL625Tank Explosion in West Virginia6$90.00
OL75Tornado Risks, Shelter and Recommendations4$36.00
OL610Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, Texas12$180.00
OL545Tractor Use, Operation and Safety3$45.00
OL76Training Marine Oil Spill Response Workers3$27.00
OL303Transit Security Design Against Terrorist Attack30$270.00
OL623Trench Collapse1$12.00
OL154What Caused the Explosion and Fire in Napp Technology in New Jersey5$45.00
OL79What Caused the Explosion in Shell Co. in Deer Park, Texas7$63.00
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