OL658 | Accident - Fatal Well Blowout in Burleson, TexasNew
| 8 | $120.00 |
OL657 | Accident - Tank Farm Explosion and Fire in Deer Park, TexasNew
| 15 | $225.00 |
OL654 | A Cyber Attack on the U.S. Power GridNew
| 2 | $24.00 |
OL653 | America’s Energy FutureNew
| 15 | $225.00 |
OL649 | How to Make Basic Concrete at HomeNew
| 2 | $24.00 |
OL648 | How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel RoadNew
| 3 | $45.00 |
OL629 | Excavation CollapseNew
| 3 | $45.00 |
OL621 | A Brief Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceNew
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL572 | Construction Project Management
| 15 | $180.00 |
OL568 | Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
| 6 | $72.00 |
OL546 | Curing Concrete
| 4 | $60.00 |
OL560 | Computing Stormwater Runoff Rates and Volumes
| 4 | $36.00 |
OL510 | Drainage Design Criteria
| 11 | $99.00 |
OL571 | Practice of Low Impact Development
| 8 | $96.00 |
OL523 | Impact of Rework in Construction Cost
| 2 | $18.00 |
OL512 | Construction of a Complete Rain Garden
| 5 | $45.00 |
OL511 | Evaluation of Urban Soils
| 3 | $36.00 |
OL561 | OSHA-Controlling Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
| 5 | $45.00 |
OL521 | One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees
| 2 | $24.00 |
OL383 | Basics of Soil Mechanics
| 2 | $30.00 |
OL439 | How To Build A Rain Garden
| 3 | $36.00 |
OL393 | How to Improve Soft Ground
| 5 | $75.00 |
OL582 | Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL586 | Natural Site Design Preservation and Protection
| 8 | $120.00 |
OL566 | OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL497 | Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II
| 15 | $225.00 |
OL331 | Personal Protective Equipment
| 4 | $48.00 |
OL486 | Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Carbon Dioxide in the European Energy System
| 14 | $168.00 |
OL621 | A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | 1 | $15.00 |
OL654 | A Cyber Attack on the U.S. Power Grid | 2 | $24.00 |
OL514 | A Framework for Analyzing the Hydrologic Condition of Watersheds | 5 | $45.00 |
OL255 | A Guide for City Water | 2 | $24.00 |
OL392 | A Guide to OSHA Excavations Standard | 6 | $90.00 |
OL482 | Accident - 7 Key Lessons to Prevent Worker Death During Hot Work in and Around Tanks | 2 | $30.00 |
OL495 | Accident - BP-Texas City Refinery Explosion and Fire | 31 | $372.00 |
OL497 | Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II | 15 | $225.00 |
OL658 | Accident - Fatal Well Blowout in Burleson, Texas | 8 | $120.00 |
OL488 | Accident - Fireworks Disposal Explosion | 11 | $165.00 |
OL494 | Accident - Imperial Sugar Dust Explosion and Fire | 12 | $180.00 |
OL657 | Accident - Tank Farm Explosion and Fire in Deer Park, Texas | 15 | $225.00 |
OL496 | Accident - West Texas Fertilizer Company Fire and Explosion | 34 | $349.00 |
OL490 | Accident Case - Caribbean Petroleum Tank Explosion and Fire | 14 | $210.00 |
OL489 | Accident Case - Chemical Manufacturing Incident | 10 | $90.00 |
OL493 | Accident Case - DuPont Methyl Chloride Release | 23 | $345.00 |
OL375 | Accident Investigation | 2 | $24.00 |
OL669 | Admixtures for Concrete | 3 | $45.00 |
OL210 | America's Oil and Natural Gas Industry | 3 | $36.00 |
OL653 | America’s Energy Future | 15 | $225.00 |
OL107 | API - Commission Publications Explains How Oil Market Works | 2 | $24.00 |
OL383 | Basics of Soil Mechanics | 2 | $30.00 |
OL248 | Biodiesel | 7 | $84.00 |
OL211 | Biomass Oil Analysis | 17 | $204.00 |
OL387 | BP Gas Fracking | 2 | $24.00 |
OL14 | Causes of Distress and Deterioration in Concrete | 5 | $45.00 |
OL481 | Climate Change and Evolved Pavements | 25 | $299.00 |
OL166 | Coastal Geological Investigations | 10 | $90.00 |
OL560 | Computing Stormwater Runoff Rates and Volumes
| 4 | $36.00 |
OL587 | Concrete Construction | 12 | $180.00 |
OL113 | Construction Considerations for Low Density Concrete | 1 | $9.00 |
OL512 | Construction of a Complete Rain Garden | 5 | $45.00 |
OL346 | Construction of Underground Tunnels | 3 | $45.00 |
OL572 | Construction Project Management | 15 | $180.00 |
OL312 | Crude Oil Markets | 5 | $60.00 |
OL546 | Curing Concrete | 4 | $60.00 |
OL114 | Dam Owners- Impact of Plants on Earthen Dams | 10 | $120.00 |
OL428 | Desalination for Safe Water Supply | 22 | $264.00 |
OL504 | Design and Construction of Tunnels | 39 | $349.00 |
OL510 | Drainage Design Criteria | 11 | $99.00 |
OL119 | Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal | 9 | $81.00 |
OL319 | Energy Resource Potential of Methane Hydrate | 3 | $36.00 |
OL399 | Engineering Assessment of Algae Biofuel Production | 25 | $299.00 |
OL337 | Engineering Design - Precipitation, Coagulation, Flocculation | 14 | $126.00 |
OL486 | Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Carbon Dioxide in the European Energy System | 14 | $168.00 |
OL361 | Environmental Design for Small Boat Basins | 5 | $45.00 |
OL28 | Estimating Well Cost for Enhanced Geo System Applications | 7 | $84.00 |
OL511 | Evaluation of Urban Soils | 3 | $36.00 |
OL629 | Excavation Collapse | 3 | $45.00 |
OL123 | Federal Guide for Dam Safety | 3 | $36.00 |
OL31 | Foundation in Expansive Soils | 10 | $90.00 |
OL124 | General Design and Construction of Earth and Rock-Fill Dams | 12 | $108.00 |
OL33 | Geo Buried Treasure | 2 | $30.00 |
OL309 | Green Building - Greening Federal Facilities | 20 | $300.00 |
OL213 | Green Building - LEED, Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings | 19 | $285.00 |
OL212 | Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction | 6 | $90.00 |
OL35 | Green Building Rating Systems for Existing Buildings | 15 | $225.00 |
OL34 | Green Building Rating Systems for New Construction and Major Renovations | 10 | $150.00 |
OL214 | Green Building, LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations | 12 | $180.00 |
OL215 | Green Building; Sustainable Buildings | 6 | $90.00 |
OL216 | Green Remediation - Incorporating Sustainable Environmental Practices into Remediation of Contaminated Sites | 8 | $120.00 |
OL447 | Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites | 27 | $324.00 |
OL254 | Guidance on Risk Analysis and Safety Implications of a Large Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Spill Over Water | 20 | $300.00 |
OL518 | Guide to Long-Span Concrete Floors | 6 | $90.00 |
OL256 | Guidelines for Surface Water Drainage Plan for a Municipal Solid Waste Facility | 2 | $30.00 |
OL311 | Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale- Environmental Impact | 30 | $349.00 |
OL36 | Heavy Load on Concrete Slabs | 4 | $36.00 |
OL87 | History of Coastal Engineering | 4 | $60.00 |
OL48 | How Chemicals Move from the Water into Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms | 7 | $105.00 |
OL44 | How to Build a Radon Resistant Home | 8 | $120.00 |
OL439 | How To Build A Rain Garden | 3 | $36.00 |
OL563 | How to Concrete in Cold and Hot Weather
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL569 | How to Counter Bridge Scour and Stream Instability
| 22 | $264.00 |
OL573 | How to Cure Portland Cement | 21 | $189.00 |
OL393 | How to Improve Soft Ground | 5 | $75.00 |
OL649 | How to Make Basic Concrete at Home | 2 | $24.00 |
OL648 | How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel Road | 3 | $45.00 |
OL365 | How to Pick a Residential Lot or Building Site in Coastal Areas | 20 | $240.00 |
OL51 | How to Protect Coastal Shorelines | 6 | $54.00 |
OL523 | Impact of Rework in Construction Cost | 2 | $18.00 |
OL564 | Introduction to Paint and Coating
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL582 | Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers | 1 | $15.00 |
OL342 | Management Guidelines for Working with Radioactive and Mixed Waste | 20 | $180.00 |
OL356 | Managing Solid Waste & Emergency Response | 3 | $36.00 |
OL565 | Minor Road Damage Repair
| 3 | $45.00 |
OL269 | Natural Gas Unlocking the Low Carbon Future | 8 | $120.00 |
OL59 | Natural Resources Forest Management | 3 | $27.00 |
OL60 | Natural Resources Land Management | 17 | $153.00 |
OL586 | Natural Site Design Preservation and Protection | 8 | $120.00 |
OL521 | One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees | 2 | $24.00 |
OL566 | OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL561 | OSHA-Controlling Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
| 5 | $45.00 |
OL194 | Overview of Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas Pipelines | 2 | $18.00 |
OL331 | Personal Protective Equipment | 4 | $48.00 |
OL571 | Practice of Low Impact Development | 8 | $96.00 |
OL220 | Proposed Gulf of Mexico OCS (Outer Continental shelf) Oil and Gas Lease Sale 207 | 12 | $108.00 |
OL479 | Quality Control Quality Assurance Manual for Asphalt Concrete Production and Placement | 10 | $150.00 |
OL467 | Quality Control Quality Manual for Hot Mix Asphalt | 10 | $150.00 |
OL381 | Quality of Highway Runoff Water in Austin, Texas Area | 5 | $60.00 |
OL95 | Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations | 3 | $27.00 |
OL174 | Rigs-to-Reefs Policy, Progress and Perspective | 1 | $9.00 |
OL173 | Rock Foundations | 12 | $108.00 |
OL567 | Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL71 | Soil and Geology Procedure for Foundation Design | 20 | $180.00 |
OL72 | Soil Stabilizations for Pavements | 6 | $54.00 |
OL97 | Stability Analysis of Concrete Structures | 15 | $135.00 |
OL570 | Storm Management Handbook
| 12 | $180.00 |
OL568 | Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
| 6 | $72.00 |
OL172 | Summary of Federal Regulations for Underground Storage Tank Systems | 4 | $36.00 |
OL150 | Technical Manual for Dam Owners - Impact of Animals on Earthen Dams | 10 | $90.00 |
OL209 | The Purpose for the Florida Building Code | 3 | $27.00 |
OL545 | Tractor Use, Operation and Safety | 3 | $45.00 |
OL76 | Training Marine Oil Spill Response Workers | 3 | $27.00 |
OL382 | UK Shale Fracking | 2 | $30.00 |
OL101 | Understanding Natural Gas Markets | 2 | $18.00 |