Seismic Considerations for Steel Storage Racks

Quiz Questions

1. To determine whether the seismic requirements in codes and standards are adequate, engineers and code officials carefully investigate the performance of structures subjected to earthquake ground motions.
2. As the use of storage rack structures increased across the nation, they began to be subjected to diverse loading conditions and received more scrutiny by the engineering and building code communities.
3. Single selective steel pallet storage racks are typically designed for seismic forces using the equivalent lateral force procedures found in model building codes and in the RMI standard (ANSI 16.1-04).
4. Storage rack structural systems generally are moment frames in the -aisle (cross-aisle direction) and braced frames in the down direction (longitudinal direction).
5. Because storage racks normally do not have horizontal bracing at the shelf levels, they typically are treated as structures with flexible diaphragms and are evaluated analytically as two-dimensional structural systems.
6. The pallet is the supporting structure for the basic unit that is stored on the typical single selective steel storage rack.
7. The unit of the load to be stored on the rack includes both the pallet and the product on the pallet and is the unit that is individually handled by the forklifts or other handling equipment.
8. The required seismic force coefficient is determined using the equivalent static force method:
V =CsIpWs

What does Ws mean?

Effective seismic weight
Seismic response coefficient
System importance factor
None of the above
9. Each rack manufacturer uses a unique and proprietary beam-to-column connector to join the horizontal and vertical members in the down-aisle direction.
10. Earthquake ground motions can cause storage racks to collapse or overturn if they are not properly designed, installed, maintained, and loaded.
11. A seismic performance objective consists of one or more performance goals, each consisting of a target performance level coupled with a specific earthquake hazard.
12. Life safety performance in the design basis earthquake is achieved if the following conditions are met:
Failure of components that could result in rack collapse or contents shedding is prevented
Rack overturning is prevented
There is no loss of stored items from rack shelves supported 8 feet or more above the floor
All of the above
13. Most structures including steel storage racks currently are designed for earthquake loads using an equivalent lateral force approach. This approach requires members to be sized based on elastic analysis using reduced seismic loads.
14. The seismic base shear, V, should be determined for both the down-aisle and cross-aisle directions in accordance with the following equation:
(Refer Pg 4-3)
V = CsW
What does Cs mean?
Seismic response coefficient
Weight of the racks
Volume of the structure
None of the above
15. Steel storage racks generally have horizontal diaphragms or bracing and should therefore not be considered as having flexible diaphragm structural systems.
16. Steel storage rack braced frames may be treated as statically determinate structures and hand analyses may be used to determine member design forces resulting from base shear applied forces.
17. Steel storage rack structures may either be designed using the strength design method (load resistance factor design, LRFD) or the allowable stress design (ASD) method.
18. What does FEMA stand for?
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Material Agency
Functional Emergency Management Agency
None of the above
19. Most rack systems are connected to the floor by anchors installed in holes drilled into the hardened concrete.
20. What does EERI stand for?
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Equivalent Engineering Research Institute
Exterior Engineering Research Institute
None of the above