New Mexico Ethics, Rules, and Laws for Engineers and Land Surveyors

Quiz Questions

1. The board may suspend, refuse to renew or revoke a license, impose a fine not to exceed ____ dollars ($______), place on probation for a specific period of time with specific conditions or reprimand any professional engineer who is found by the board to have: (1) practiced or offered to practice engineering in New Mexico in violation of the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act; (2) attempted to use the license of another; (3) given false or forged evidence to the board or to a board member for obtaining a certificate of licensure; (4) falsely impersonated any other licensee of like or different name; (5) attempted to use an expired, suspended or revoked license; (6) falsely purported to be a professional engineer by claim, sign, advertisement or letterhead; (7) violated the rules of professional responsibility for professional engineers adopted and promulgated by the board;
2. It is unlawful for the state or any of its political subdivisions to engage in the construction of any public work involving engineering unless the plans and specifications involving engineering have been prepared by and are under the responsible charge of a licensed professional engineer and the public work involving professional surveying has been executed under the responsible charge of a licensed professional surveyor. Nothing in this section shall be held to apply to any public work wherein the contemplated expenditure for the complete project does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), except for public work involving structural design, structural modifications or surveying.
3. The Engineering and Surveying Practice Act shall not apply to construction surveys of engineering and architectural public works projects, the anticipated construction cost of which is less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000).
4. No person except a licensed professional engineer shall be eligible to hold any responsible office or position for the state or any political subdivision of the state that includes the performance or responsible charge of engineering work.
5. An employee of a firm, association or corporation who performs only the surveying services involved in the operation of the employer’s business shall be exempt from the provisions of the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act, provided that neither the employee nor the employer offers surveying services to the public, and provided that the surveying services performed do not include any determination, description, portraying, measuring or monumentation of the boundaries of a tract of land.
6. A professional engineer or professional surveyor who voluntarily, without compensation, at the request of a state or local public official acting in an official capacity, provides aircraft structure, structural, aeronautical, electrical, mechanical, other engineering services or surveying at the scene of a declared national, state or local emergency caused by a major earthquake, hurricane, tornado, fire, explosion, flood, collapse or other similar disaster or catastrophic event, such as terrorist act, shall not be liable for any personal injury, wrongful death, property damage or other loss caused by the engineer’s or surveyor’s acts, errors or omissions in the performance of any surveying or engineering services for any structure, building, piping or other engineered system, publicly or governmentally owned.
7. The immunity provided shall apply only to a voluntary engineering or surveying service that occurs within thirty days of the emergency, disaster or catastrophic event, unless extended by an executive order issued by the governor under the governor’s emergency executive powers. Nothing in this section shall provide immunity for wanton, willful or intentional misconduct.
8. All plats, drawings and reports that are involved in the practice, issued by or for the practice, shall bear the seal and signature of a professional surveyor in responsible charge of and directly responsible for the work issued. In the case of practice through a partnership, at least one of the partners shall be a professional surveyor pursuant to that act. In the case of a single professional surveyor partner, all drawings or reports issued by or for the partnership shall bear the seal of the professional surveyor partner who shall be responsible for the work. In the case of practice through a joint stock association or corporation, services or work involving the practice of surveying may be offered through the joint stock association or corporation; provided the person in responsible charge of the activities of the joint stock association or corporation that constitute the practice is a professional surveyor who has authority to bind such joint stock association or corporation by contract; and further provided that all drawings or reports that are involved in such practice, issued by or for the joint stock association or corporation, bear the seal and signature of a professional surveyor in responsible charge of and directly responsible for the work when issued.
9. "responsible charge" means responsibility for the direction, control and supervision of engineering or surveying work, as the case may be, to assure that the work product has been critically examined and evaluated for compliance with appropriate professional standards by a licensee in that profession, and by sealing or signing the documents, the professional engineer or professional surveyor accepts responsibility for the engineering or surveying work, respectively, represented by the documents and that applicable engineering or surveying standards have been met
10. All plans, designs, drawings, specifications or reports that are involved in such practice, issued by or for the practice, shall bear the seal and signature of a professional engineer in responsible charge of and directly responsible for the work issued. In the case of practice through partnership, at least one of the partners shall be a professional engineer pursuant to the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act, and all plans, designs, drawings, specifications or reports that are involved in such practice, issued by or for the partnership, shall bear the seal and signature of the professional engineer in responsible charge of and directly responsible for such work when issued. In the case of practice through joint stock association or corporation, services or work involving the practice of engineering may be offered through that joint stock association or corporation; provided the person in responsible charge of the activities of the joint stock association or corporation that constitute engineering practice is a professional engineer who has authority to bind such joint stock association or corporation by contract; and further provided that all plans, designs, drawings, specifications or reports that are involved in engineering practice, issued by or for such joint stock association or corporation, bear the seal and signature of a professional engineer in responsible charge of and directly responsible for the work when issued.