Nebraska Ethics, Rules, and Laws for Professional Engineers and Architects

Quiz Questions

1. In order to safeguard life, health, and property and to promote the public welfare, the professions of architecture and engineering are declared to be subject to regulation in the public interest. It _______ for any person to (1) practice or offer to practice architecture or engineering in this state, (2) use in connection with his or her name, except as provided in sections 81-3413 to 81-3415, or otherwise assume the title architect or professional engineer, or (3) advertise any title or description tending to convey the impression that he or she is a licensed architect or engineer unless the person is duly licensed or exempt from licensure under the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act.
is lawful
is unlawful
2. Architect means a person who engages in the practice of architecture and
who has a current certificate of licensure issued by the board.
Who has a degree in architecture
3. Consulting engineer means:
a professional engineer whose principal occupation is the independent practice of engineering, whose livelihood is obtained by offering engineering services to the public, who serves clients as an independent fiduciary, who is devoid of public, commercial, and product affiliation that might tend to imply a conflict of interest, and who is cognizant of his or her public and legal responsibilities and is capable of discharging them.
An individual with a degree from an accredited engineering school offering engineering services to public and private entities.
4. Direct supervision means the degree of supervision by a person overseeing the work of other persons by which the supervisor has
control over the work being done.
control over and professional knowledge of the work being done.
5. Public service provider means any political subdivision which appoints a municipal engineer or which employs a full-time person licensed under the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act who is in responsible charge of architectural or engineering work.
6. Responsible charge means
Someone who is responsible for the project
control and supervision for engineering or architectural work.
7. The provisions of the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act regulating the practice of architecture do not apply to: The construction, remodeling, alteration, or renovation of a detached single-family through four-family dwelling of less than ________of above grade finished space.
4000 square foot
5000 square foot
10,000 square foot
8. The provisions of the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act regulating the practice of architecture do not apply to:

The construction, remodeling, alteration, or renovation of a one-story commercial or industrial building or structure of less than five thousand square feet of above grade finished space which does not exceed _______ in height unless such building or structure, or the remodeling or repairing thereof, provides for the employment, housing, or assembly of twenty or more persons.

50 ft
30 ft
40 ft
9. The provisions of the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act regulating the practice of architecture do not apply to:

The construction, remodeling, alteration, or renovation of farm buildings, including barns, silos, sheds, or housing for farm equipment and machinery, livestock, poultry, or storage, if the structures are designed to be occupied by no more than twenty persons.

10. Each person licensed as an architect or professional engineer is required to acquire a seal which bears the licensee’s name, his or her license number, the words “State of Nebraska” and whether the individual is licensed to practice as a professional engineer, with discipline specified, or an architect.
With discipline specified
Without discipline specified
11. All specifications, reports, studies, and other documents prepared as professional engineering or architectural service shall be sealed on the title page and/or the first page as well as the last page of the document by the individual licensee responsible for the work. Two or more licensees may affix their signatures and seals to a sheet provided it is designated by a note under the seal the specific subject matter for which each is responsible.
12. No seal shall be valid unless the licensee signs his or her name ____________ of the seal and indicates the date on which the material was signed.
across the face
at the bottom
13. Documents clearly marked as “Draft” prepared for preliminary submission and review __________ the professional’s seal, signature, and date, including documents prepared for a client or governmental agency unless otherwise required by that entity.
Do not require
Do require
14. The architect or professional engineer __________________ any gift of significant value, or any monetary payment, to a government official with the intent of influencing the official’s judgment in connection with a prospective or existing project in which the architect or professional engineer is interested or has an interest.
Can offer
Shall neither offer not give any