Maryland Ethics, Rules, and Laws for Professional Land Surveyors

Quiz Questions

1. A license issued by the Maryland State Board of Land Surveying, means the person can do
Land Surveying or property line surveying.
Land Surveying only
2. Which one of the following would be part of practice of land surveying?
any service, work, documentation, or practice, the performance or preparation of which requires the application of special knowledge of the principles of mathematics, the related physical and applied sciences, and the requirements of the relevant law, as applied to:
measuring, platting, and locating lines, angles, elevations, natural or artificial features in the air, on the surface of the earth, in underground work, and on the beds of bodies of water for the purpose of determining and reporting positions, topography, areas, and volumes;
the platting or replatting, establishing or reestablishing, locating or relocating, or setting or resetting the monumentation for boundaries of real property, easements, or rights–of–way
platting, layout, and preparation of surveys, plats, plans, and drawings, including:

  1. site plans;
  2. subdivision plans;
  3. subdivision plats;
  4. condominium plats;
  5. right–of–way and easement plats; and
  6. other recordable plats;
conducting horizontal and vertical control surveys, layout or stake–out of proposed construction, and the preparation and platting of as–constructed surveys;
utilizing measurement devices or systems, such as aerial photogrammetry, global positioning systems, land information systems, geographic information systems, or similar technology for evaluation or location of boundaries of real property, easements, or rights–of–way; and
in conjunction with the site development or subdivision of land, the preparation and design of plans for the following projects, provided that such preparation and design are in accordance with design manuals, details, and standards accepted by the State or local authority:

  1. road and street grades;
  2. sediment and erosion control measures;
All of the above
3. "Practice land surveying" _____________the design, preparation, or specifications for:
(i) community water or wastewater treatment collection or distribution systems;
(ii) community pumping or lift stations; or
(iii) geotechnical or structural design components of sediment control or stormwater management ponds or basins.
Does not include
Does include
4. "Practice property line surveying" _________ include the performance of the services
(vi) in conjunction with the site development or subdivision of land, the preparation and design of plans for the following projects, provided that such preparation and design are in accordance with design manuals, details, and standards accepted by the State or local authority:

  1. road and street grades;
  2. sediment and erosion control measures;
  3. nonpressurized closed storm drainage and stormwater management systems; and
  4. open conduit storm drainage and stormwater management systems.
Does not
5. "Responsible charge" means:
The person who is in charge.
Direct control and personal direction of the investigation, design, construction, or operation of land surveying work that requires initiative, professional skill, and independent judgment.
6. (b) A licensed property line surveyor ____________ render or offer to render property line surveying services described in § 15–101(k) of this subtitle.
may not
7. The following individuals may practice land surveying without a license:
(i) an employee or other subordinate of a professional land surveyor; and
(ii) an employee of an individual who is not licensed but is otherwise authorized under this title to practice land surveying without supervision.
8. The following individuals may practice property line surveying without a license:
(i) an employee or other subordinate of a licensed property line surveyor; and
(ii) an employee of an individual who is not licensed but is otherwise authorized under this title to practice property line surveying without supervision.
9. While a license to practice land surveying is in effect, it authorizes the licensee to practice land surveying.
10. While a license to practice property line surveying is in effect, it authorizes the licensee to practice property line surveying.
11. The Board shall reinstate the license of an individual who, for any reason, has failed to renew the license if the individual:
(1) applies to the Board for reinstatement within 2 years after the license expires;
(2) meets the renewal requirements of § 15–314 of this subtitle; and
(3) except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) of this section, pays to the Board a reinstatement fee set by the Board.
12. A permit _______be reinstated under this section only if:

  1. the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company whose permit has been revoked or suspended submits a written request to the Board; and
  2. the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company pays to the Board a reinstatement fee set by the Board.

(c) The Board, by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members then serving, shall vote on the request for reinstatement or lifting of the suspension within 60 days of receipt of the written request.

May not The law requires that all licensed professional land surveyors and property line surveyors comply with continuing professional competency requirements as a prerequisite to their license renewal.
13. A licensee shall complete, as a condition of a license renewal in each individual 2-year renewal cycle, a minimum of 24 CPC units earned from the participation in and upon completion of qualifying activities described in Regulation .04.
B. A minimum of 4 CPC units in every individual 2-year renewal cycle shall be earned from the participation in and upon completion of qualifying activities with content areas related to the following:

  1. Minimum Standards of Practice;
  2. Legal cases, commentaries, and other related materials as they apply to the law of land boundaries in Maryland;
  3. The awareness of ethical concerns and conflicts;
  4. An enhanced familiarity with the codes of conduct;
  5. An understanding of standards of practice or care; or
  6. Similar topics aimed at maintaining, improving, or expanding the skills set and knowledge necessary to practice land surveying services or property line surveying services in the most ethical and responsible manner.

C. A licensee may carry over no more than 12 CPC units earned in excess of 24 CPC units, provided that the CPC units intended for the carryover have been earned on or before December 31, 2018. No carryover shall be permitted for any excess CPC units earned after January 1, 2019

1. A license issued by the Maryland State Board of Land Surveying, means the person can do
Land Surveying or property line surveying.
Land Surveying only
2. Which one of the following would be part of practice of land surveying?
any service, work, documentation, or practice, the performance or preparation of which requires the application of special knowledge of the principles of mathematics, the related physical and applied sciences, and the requirements of the relevant law, as applied to:
measuring, platting, and locating lines, angles, elevations, natural or artificial features in the air, on the surface of the earth, in underground work, and on the beds of bodies of water for the purpose of determining and reporting positions, topography, areas, and volumes;
the platting or replatting, establishing or reestablishing, locating or relocating, or setting or resetting the monumentation for boundaries of real property, easements, or rights–of–way
platting, layout, and preparation of surveys, plats, plans, and drawings, including:

  1. site plans;
  2. subdivision plans;
  3. subdivision plats;
  4. condominium plats;
  5. right–of–way and easement plats; and
  6. other recordable plats;
conducting horizontal and vertical control surveys, layout or stake–out of proposed construction, and the preparation and platting of as–constructed surveys;
utilizing measurement devices or systems, such as aerial photogrammetry, global positioning systems, land information systems, geographic information systems, or similar technology for evaluation or location of boundaries of real property, easements, or rights–of–way; and
in conjunction with the site development or subdivision of land, the preparation and design of plans for the following projects, provided that such preparation and design are in accordance with design manuals, details, and standards accepted by the State or local authority:

  1. road and street grades;
  2. sediment and erosion control measures;
All of the above
3. "Practice land surveying" _____________the design, preparation, or specifications for:
(i) community water or wastewater treatment collection or distribution systems;
(ii) community pumping or lift stations; or
(iii) geotechnical or structural design components of sediment control or stormwater management ponds or basins.
Does not include
Does include
4. "Practice property line surveying" _________ include the performance of the services
(vi) in conjunction with the site development or subdivision of land, the preparation and design of plans for the following projects, provided that such preparation and design are in accordance with design manuals, details, and standards accepted by the State or local authority:

  1. road and street grades;
  2. sediment and erosion control measures;
  3. nonpressurized closed storm drainage and stormwater management systems; and
  4. open conduit storm drainage and stormwater management systems.
Does not
5. "Responsible charge" means:
The person who is in charge.
Direct control and personal direction of the investigation, design, construction, or operation of land surveying work that requires initiative, professional skill, and independent judgment.
6. (b) A licensed property line surveyor ____________ render or offer to render property line surveying services described in § 15–101(k) of this subtitle.
may not
7. The following individuals may practice land surveying without a license:
(i) an employee or other subordinate of a professional land surveyor; and
(ii) an employee of an individual who is not licensed but is otherwise authorized under this title to practice land surveying without supervision.
8. The following individuals may practice property line surveying without a license:
(i) an employee or other subordinate of a licensed property line surveyor; and
(ii) an employee of an individual who is not licensed but is otherwise authorized under this title to practice property line surveying without supervision.
9. While a license to practice land surveying is in effect, it authorizes the licensee to practice land surveying.
10. While a license to practice property line surveying is in effect, it authorizes the licensee to practice property line surveying.
11. The Board shall reinstate the license of an individual who, for any reason, has failed to renew the license if the individual:
(1) applies to the Board for reinstatement within 2 years after the license expires;
(2) meets the renewal requirements of § 15–314 of this subtitle; and
(3) except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) of this section, pays to the Board a reinstatement fee set by the Board.
12. A permit _______be reinstated under this section only if:

  1. the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company whose permit has been revoked or suspended submits a written request to the Board; and
  2. the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company pays to the Board a reinstatement fee set by the Board.

(c) The Board, by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members then serving, shall vote on the request for reinstatement or lifting of the suspension within 60 days of receipt of the written request.

May not The law requires that all licensed professional land surveyors and property line surveyors comply with continuing professional competency requirements as a prerequisite to their license renewal.
13. A licensee shall complete, as a condition of a license renewal in each individual 2-year renewal cycle, a minimum of 24 CPC units earned from the participation in and upon completion of qualifying activities described in Regulation .04.
B. A minimum of 4 CPC units in every individual 2-year renewal cycle shall be earned from the participation in and upon completion of qualifying activities with content areas related to the following:

  1. Minimum Standards of Practice;
  2. Legal cases, commentaries, and other related materials as they apply to the law of land boundaries in Maryland;
  3. The awareness of ethical concerns and conflicts;
  4. An enhanced familiarity with the codes of conduct;
  5. An understanding of standards of practice or care; or
  6. Similar topics aimed at maintaining, improving, or expanding the skills set and knowledge necessary to practice land surveying services or property line surveying services in the most ethical and responsible manner.

C. A licensee may carry over no more than 12 CPC units earned in excess of 24 CPC units, provided that the CPC units intended for the carryover have been earned on or before December 31, 2018. No carryover shall be permitted for any excess CPC units earned after January 1, 2019
