Kentucky State Board of Engineers Rules, Laws, and Ethics

Quiz Questions

1. A valid professional engineer or professional land surveyor license shall be prima facie evidence that the licensee is entitled to all rights, privileges, and responsibilities of a professional engineer or a professional land surveyor.

A valid license bearing the designation "inactive" or "retired" shall be prima facie evidence that the licensee is entitled to all rights, privileges, and responsibilities of a professional engineer or professional land surveyor,

except the right to practice.
And can practice as he wish.
3. The board may refuse to issue, refuse to renew, suspend, or revoke a license, may reprimand, place on probation, or admonish a licensee, may impose a fine on a licensee not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or may impose any combination of these penalties when it finds that an applicant or licensee:
(1) Engaged in any practice of fraud or deceit in obtaining a license
4. The board may refuse to issue, refuse to renew, suspend, or revoke a license, may reprimand, place on probation, or admonish a licensee, may impose a fine on a licensee not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or may impose any combination of these penalties when it finds that an applicant or licensee: Engaged in gross negligence, incompetence, or misconduct in the practice of engineering or land surveying
5. A person whose license has been revoked may petition the board to reissue. The board shall investigate the petition and may reissue the license upon a finding that the person _________ any terms prescribed by the board and is again able to competently practice.
Has complied with
Has not complied with
6. Each professional engineer or professional land surveyor shall, upon licensure, obtain a seal or stamp of the design authorized by the board, bearing his or her name, license number, and the words "Licensed Professional Engineer" or "Licensed Professional Land Surveyor."

Neither the state nor any of its political subdivisions shall engage in the construction of any public work involving engineering, unless the plans, specifications, and estimates have been prepared and the construction executed under the direct supervision of a professional engineer or a licensed architect.


No county clerk of any county, or any other public authority, shall accept for filing, file, or record any map, plat, survey, or other document related to the practice of land surveying, unless it evidences certification by a professional land surveyor by whom, or under whose personal supervision and direction, the map, plat, survey, or other document was prepared.


A professional land surveyor may go on, over, and upon the lands of others if necessary to perform surveys for the location of property corners, boundary lines, rights-of-way, and easements, and may carry with them their customary equipment and vehicles.

  1. Entry under the right hereby granted shall not constitute trespass; and
  2. A professional land surveyor shall not be liable to arrest or a civil action by reason of this entry.
10. A professional land surveyor shall make reasonable effort to notify adjoining landowners upon whose land it is necessary to enter.