1. |
A person shall not engage in the practice of engineering or land surveying in the state unless the person is a licensed professional engineer or a licensed professional land surveyor as provided in this chapter, except as permitted by section 542B.26. |
True |
False |
2. |
"In responsible charge" means having direct control of and personal supervision over any land surveying work or work involving the practice of engineering. One or more persons, jointly or severally, may be in responsible charge. |
True |
False |
3. |
A licensee shall not place the licensee’s signature or seal on any engineering document or land surveying document unless the licensee was in responsible charge of the work, except that the licensee may do so if the licensee contributed to the work and the licensee in responsible charge has signed and certified the work. |
True |
False |
4. |
Any person who is not legally authorized to practice in this state according to the provisions of this chapter, and shall practice, or shall in connection with the person’s name use any designation tending to imply or designate the person as a professional engineer or professional land surveyor, may be restrained by permanent injunction. |
May not be |
May be |
5. |
According to the chart in page 4 of chapter 1, Facilities for private agricultural use only and individually owned and operated facilities including grain elevators and feed mills |
Engineer required |
Engineer may not be required |
6. |
Churches and accessory buildings whether attached for separate use. One or two stories in height, up to a maximum of 2,000 square feet in gross floor area |
Engineer required |
Engineer may not be required |
7. |
Commercial building, One story in height, up to a maximum of 10,000 square feet in gross floor area |
Engineer required |
Engineer may not be required |
8. |
Commercial building, One story in height, greater than 10,000 square feet in gross floor area |
Engineer required |
Engineer may not be required |
9. |
Each licensee shall procure a seal with which to identify all engineering and land surveying documents issued by the licensee for use in Iowa as provided in Iowa Code section 542B.16. |
True |
False |
10. |
Which one of the following is absolutely necessary to be on the seal?
- the name of the licensee,
- the Iowa license number,
- the word "Iowa" and the words "Professional Engineer" or "Professional Land Surveyor" or "Professional Engineer and Professional Land Surveyor," as appropriate.
- The word "licensed" may be added but is not required on the seal.
All of the above |
A ,b and c |
11. |
Neither the word "registrant" nor "registered" shall be used on the seal. |
True |
False |
12. |
Each engineering or land surveying document submitted to a client or any public agency, Hereinafter referred to as the official copy (or official copies), shall contain a certification block on the first page or attached cover sheet for application of a seal by the licensee in responsible charge and a certification block for application of a seal by each professional consultant contributing to the submission.
In lieu of each contributing professional consultant providing a certification block on the front page or attached cover sheet for application of a seal, a table shall be provided that identifies the contributing professionals and where their respective certification blocks can be found within the document. The seal and original signature shall be applied only to a final submission. Each official copy (or official copies) of a submission shall be stapled, bound or otherwise attached together so as to clearly establish the complete extent of the submission. Each certification block shall display the seal of the licensee and shall designate the portion of the submission for which that licensee is responsible, so that responsibility for the entire submission is clearly established by the combination of the stated seal responsibilities. Any non-final submission of an engineering or land surveying document to a client or public agency shall be clearly labeled "preliminary" or "draft." |
True |
False |
13. |
Boundary location. The surveyor shall acquire data necessary to retrace record title boundaries, center lines, and other boundary line locations in accordance with the legal descriptions including applicable provisions of chapter 650. The surveyor shall analyze the data and make a careful determination of the position of the boundaries of the parcel or tract of land being surveyed. The surveyor shall make a field survey, locating and connecting monuments necessary for location of the parcel or tract and coordinate the facts of the survey with the analysis and legal description. The surveyor shall place monuments marking the corners of the parcel or tract unless monuments already exist at the corners. |
True |
False |
14. |
Measurements shall be made with instruments and methods capable of attaining the required accuracy for the particular problem involved. 2. Measurements as placed on plats shall be in conformance with the capabilities of the instruments used. 3. In a closed traverse the sum of the measured angles shall agree with the theoretical sum by a difference not greater than thirty seconds times the square root of the number of angles. 4. Distances shall be shown in decimal feet in accordance with the definition of the U. S. survey foot. Distance measurements shall refer to the horizontal plane. |
True |
False |
15. |
Which one of the following locations, control monuments shall be placed? |
Each corner and angle point of each lot, block, or parcel of land surveyed. |
Each point of intersection of the outer boundary of the survey with an existing or created right-of-way line of a street, railroad, or other way. |
Each point of curve, tangency, reversed curve, or compounded curve on each right-of-way line established. |
All of the above |