Hydrogen Sulfide Release at Waterflood Station in Odessa, Texas

Quiz Questions

1. Which of the following is a technique used by Aghorn to increase the pressure in underground oil reservoirs and improve the amount of oil recovered from the reservoir?
Coal mining
Hydraulic fracturing
Wind power
2. Aghorn had a procedure in place to ensure proper ventilation of the pump house.
3. The stuffing box is responsible for pressurizing the produced water in the fluid end of the pump.

Many of the H2S warning signs at the facility were corroded and were likely difficult to read under low light conditions.


When an alarm is triggered at the waterflood station, the phone system automatically calls the pumper’s phone, alerting him or her to the anomalous event. The pumper is then responsible for making any simple repairs or securing the site and coordinating larger repairs by a __________.

Third party
6. What was the change in temperature and wind speed from 6:53 p.m. to approximately 10:00 p.m. at the Odessa-Schlemeyer Field Station on October 26, 2019?
The temperature decreased by 15°F and the wind speed decreased by 6 mph
The temperature increased by 15°F and the wind speed decreased by 6
7. The CSB was able to determine whether the pump failure and loss of containment of the produced water occurred before or after Pumper A arrived at the facility.
8. What is the purpose of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147?
To cover practices and procedures for disabling machinery or equipment
To enforce energy control procedures in the workplace
To prevent the release of hazardous energy while servicing and maintenance activities are being performed
All of the above
9. The Aghorn alarm system design was susceptible to false indications of safety during a toxic gas release.
10. What was the probable cause of the incident according to the CSB’s investigation?
Poor site security at Aghorn’s facility
Failure to enforce operator use of personal H2S detectors and Lockout / Tagout