Earthquake Resistant Construction of Gas and Liquid Fuel Pipeline

Quiz Questions

1. What does EERI stand for?
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Environmental Engineering Research Institute
Earthquake Environment Research Institute
None of the above
2. _________________ is a pipeline other than a gathering or transmission line.
Distribution line
Electric line
3. Transportation of gas is defined as the gathering, transmission, or distribution of gas by pipeline, or the storage of gas, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce.
4. What does FEMA stand for?
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Earthquake Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Association
None of the above
5. _______________ is a natural gas or synthetic gas having methane (CH4) as its major constituent, which has been changed to a liquid or semisolid.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Ethane gas
6. What does figure 2-1 illustrate about?
(Refer Pg 3)
Schematic Drawing of Natural Gas Pipeline System
Transmission lines
System map zones
None of the Above
7. Liquid fuel transmission pipelines often move small quantities of crude oil and petroleum products across active seismic regions.
8. What does BSSC stand for?
Building Seismic Safety Council
Building Standard Safety Council
Building Seismic Society Council
None of the above
9. Main is a distribution line that serves as a common source of supply for more than one service line.
10. _______________ is a container for storing gas or liquid fuels, including an underground cavern.
Storage tank
11. Ground deformations and displacements, rather than inertial forces caused by ground accelerations are the major cause of earthquake damage to pipelines.
12. What does DOT stand for?
Department of Transportation
Department of Technical safety
Development of Transportation
None of the above
13. ______________ is defined as new and existing pipelines, rights-of-way, and any equipment, facility, or building used in the transportation of gas or liquid fuels, or in the treatment of gas during the course of transportation.
Pipeline facility
Area of pipes
14. The principal modes of failure for continuous, welded pipelines are direct tensile rupture, beam or local buckling, and excessive bending.
15. The greatest _____________related threat to pipeline fuel transportation systems is from special site hazards such as fault-displacements, liquefaction, landslides, and tsunamis.
16. What does UBC stand for?
Uniform Building Code
Uniform Building Council
United Building Code
None of the above
17. All facilities and components that are needed for the transportation, distribution, and storage of natural gas, crude oil, and petroleum products are said to be ____________.
Pipeline systems
Pipeline services
18. _______________ is a pipeline through which gas and liquid fuels are transported from source areas to distribution points, processing plants, or storage areas.
Transmission line
Technical gas line
19. Damage to pipelines may be minimized provided that a correct choice of pipe material, type of joints, arrangement of the network, length of segments, location and details of fittings and accessories are made, and as long as pipelines are not located in the vicinity of fault or landslide zones.
20. The DOT regulations for pipelines address some natural hazards but also contain explicit seismic design requirements.