D.O.T, Low Cost Treatments for Horizontal Curve Safety

Quiz Questions

1. The Centerline, Edge line, Horizontal Alignment signs, Advisory Speed Plaque, Chevron Alignment are the devices that are considered basic treatments in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
2. Many curves require nothing more than the standard centerline and edge line (if paved) or one of the basic horizontal alignment warning signs.
3. A marked centerline does not really help drivers keep their vehicles on the correct side of the road and further delineates the roadway alignment.
4. The MUTCD permits use of a centerline to specific locations, such as around a curve, so it need not be for the entire roadway section,
5. Road agencies commonly use a variety of paint-based materials and thermoplastic for the centerline markings. In general, thermoplastic markings are less cost-effective as they last much lesser than paint materials.
6. The standard width for each stripe of a centerline stripe is_____________ with the 4-in line more common.
2 in to 4 in
4 in to 6 in
7. Edge line pavement markings define or delineate the edge of a roadway. It provides a visual reference to guide motorists and helps prevent them from drifting onto the shoulder and roadside area.
8. The MUTCD prescribes several Horizontal Alignment signs to give drivers advance warning of a horizontal curve. For sections with a more than one curve in close proximity, there are three advance warning signs and they are ____________________.
Reverse turn (W1-3)
Reverse curve (W1-4)
Winding road (W1-5)
All the above
None of the above
9. All horizontal curves require a Horizontal Alignment sign.
10. An Advisory Speed plaque (W13-1) is simply a sign placed below a Horizontal Alignment sign to advise motorists of the safe speed through the curve(s). It is _________________________.
The legal speed limit
Not the legal speed limit
11. The cost to apply Chevrons around a curve will vary with the number of signs installed. A typical installation of about 10 signs would cost approximately_______________.
12. A delineator is considered a guidance device rather than a warning device and is most effective at night and during adverse weather when pavement markings are not visible
13. Dynamic curve warning systems can effectively ______________________ vehicle speeds in horizontal curves, especially during wet-pavement conditions.
14. A rumble strip can be formed in the pavement surface by placing either grooves into the surface or strips of material above the surface according to a prescribed spacing pattern. A vehicle passing over the rumble strips produces noise and vibration and alerts the driver to a potentially hazardous situation.
15. The ____________________ height difference between the paved surface and the unpaved shoulder is the pavement shoulder drop-off.