Cost Comparison between Drone vs Traditional Surveying

Quiz Questions

1. At the most recent Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) conference in April 2015, there were more than 600 companies in attendance2, and hundreds of UAS were on display. These systems ranged in price from the consumer grade level
Less than $10,000 to the professional and military grade levels of seven figures.
$400 to $1500
$1000 to $5000
2. The scope of this course was limited to using UAS under $10,000 and to two common tasks of surveying; topographic mapping and volumetric calculation.
3. To ensure "good" data, the industry generally rounds this down to 0.2 feet. Additionally, the accepted industry standards, such as the use of GPS, might also have an error, and choosing a standard of 0.2 feet will also help ensure that all data meets the ______ accuracy standard for topographic mapping.
0.5 feet
1.0 feet
1.2 feet
4. Cross sections are established by noting latitude, longitude, and elevation of a series of points along a line perpendicular to the survey area. In modern surveying, those latitudes, longitudes, and elevations are established using
Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
Classic traditional data
5. Volumes are calculated by
comparing two sets of topographic lines, or by comparing the difference in elevations at the top and bottom of an enclosed area, such as a ditch or dirt pile.
Multiplying the axis of the property by the depth of ditches or dirt piles.
6. As defined by the American Society of Photogrammetry, photogrammetry is "the art, science, and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through processes of recording, measuring and interpreting photographic images and patterns of recorded radiant electromagnetic energy and other phenomena"

Figure 3 shows

Example of Ground Control Points Viewed from a UAS, October 13th, 2015, Houston Texas
The top view of a concrete bridge and the street below as seen by the drone.
8. Figure 4 is
3D point cloud from UAS flight.
A hay field in rural area as seen from above
9. The total cost of the Aero-M software, associated planning, and other equipment was
10. According to table 1 the test for volumetric calculation would cost:
$2235 Traditional method and $1318.50 USA method.
$3225 Traditional method and $14,000 USA method.
11. According to table 1 the test for topographic , Terrestrial LiDAR, mapping would cost:
$4600 Traditional method and $2459 UAS method.
$4600 Traditional method and $12400 UAS method.
12. According to Table 1:
It takes longer time to do the survey using traditional method compared to UAS method.
It takes shorter time to do the survey using traditional method compared to UAS method.