1. |
Which one of the following violations may suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue, restore or renew a certificate of licensure by the State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors. |
Failure within thirty (30) days to provide information requested by the board as a result of a formal or informal complaint to the board that would indicate a violation of this chapter. |
Using a seal or practicing engineering while the professional engineer’s license is suspended, revoked, non-renewed, or inactive. |
Habitual intoxication or addiction to the use of drugs or alcohol. |
All of the above |
2. |
Land surveying means a service comprising the:
(i) Determination of the location of land boundaries and land boundary corners; and
(ii) Preparation of:
- Plats showing the shape and areas of tracts of land and their subdivision into smaller tracts;
- Plats showing the location of streets, roads, and rights-of-way of tracts to give access to smaller tracts; and
- Official plats or maps of land thereof in this state.
"Land surveying" does not include the measure of acreage of timber, cotton, rice, or other agricultural crops. |
True |
False |
3. |
Each licensed professional surveyor shall:
- Procure a personal seal, in form approved by the State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors; and
- Affix his or her signature and the seal upon all maps, plats, surveys, or other documents before the delivery thereof to any client or before offering to file a record of any such map, plat, survey, or other document in the office of the recorder of deeds of any county or with any proper public authority.
True |
False |
4. |
It is ___________ for the recorder of deeds of any county or any proper public authority to file or record any map, plat, survey, or other document within the definition of land surveying that does not have impressed thereon and affixed thereto the personal signature and seal of a licensed professional surveyor by whom the map, plat, survey, or other document was prepared. |
Customary and ordinary |
Unlawful |
5. |
- A licensed surveyor is not required to file a plat until he or she has been paid for performing the survey.
- A licensed surveyor shall file the plat with the State Surveyor within thirty (30) days after payment for performing the survey or the plat is completed, whichever event occurs last.
(b) The sole purpose of filing the plat shall be to identify the person or persons who made the plat and survey and placed the survey markers and shall not be used to evidence adverse possession or as evidence in boundary disputes.
(c) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to surveys hereafter made of subdivided property located in a municipality where property has previously been surveyed and a plat filed.
(d) Any licensed surveyor who shall fail or refuse to file the survey as provided by this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) or imprisonment for not less than thirty (30) days nor more than six (6) months, or subject to both fine and imprisonment.
Incorrect |
correct |
6. |
A person _______ a licensed engineer in another jurisdiction shall not be considered to be offering to practice engineering when soliciting work by any of the following means:
- Advertising in publications or electronic media, provided there is no holding out of professional services in jurisdictions where not licensed;
- Responding to letters of inquiry regarding requests for proposals, provides there is written disclosure that the engineer and firm are not licensed in this jurisdiction and the response is limited to inquiries regarding scope and to demonstrate interest;
- Responding to letters of inquiry from prospective clients, provided there is written disclosure that the engineer and firm are not licensed in this jurisdiction and the response is limited to inquiries regarding scope of project and to demonstrate interest;
- Submitting proposals to prospective clients in response to notices, inquiries or solicitations provided there is written disclosure that the engineer and firm are not licensed in this jurisdiction.
Who is |
Who is not |
7. |
Surveying measurement certification means:
a. Providing the professional service of certification or sealing of maps, documents, digital files, or other data for the purpose of verifying that the maps, documents, digital files, or other data are authoritative professional determinations based upon accepted methods and principals of surveying measurements or analysis representing or listing the following types of surveying measurements:
- The configuration or contour of the earth’s surface or the position of fixed objects on the earth’s surface;
- The position or elevation of any survey boundary or control monument or reference point; and
- The alignment or elevation of any fixed works embraced within the practice of professional engineering.
b. The term "surveying measurement certification" shall not be construed to permit the preparation of engineering or architectural design documents or quantity payment documents.
True |
False |
8. |
The engineer and surveyor and certificate of authorization seals shall use the following designs, however, seals previously acquired in compliance with then current rules need not be changed nor modified as a result of subsequent rule changes unless specifically required;

True |
False |
9. |
The seal shall be from 1¼ to 2 inches diameter and have a milled edge in conformance with the above designs. A facsimile rubber stamp is authorized in lieu of a seal. The stamp may have either a milled edge, or two (2) concentric circles with the outer and inner circles corresponding with the respective edges of the milling on the seal. The licensee’s name and number inscribed in the seal shall correspond to the name and certificate number shown on the Certificate of Licensure; |
1¼ to 2 inches |
2 to 3 inches |
10. |
The seal shall be affixed to documents and instruments only when the license certificate is current and in good standing, and then only on such documents and instruments which have been prepared by the licensee or under the supervision of the licensee. The licensee ________ responsible for assuring the seal, however affixed, is legible on the document; |
shall not be |
shall be |
11. |
By affixing his seal to any documents or instruments, the licensee _______ full responsibility and liability for the professional work represented on such documents or instruments; |
accepts |
does not |
12. |
Q. How do I view a licensee’s information related to; contact, PDH carryover, License status and Disciplinary actions?
Online – On our home page, under "Online Services", click "Search for a Licensee". Choose Individuals or Firms, click "Search". Follow the instructions on the next page. Click on the name to view the results.
True |
False |
13. |
Q. How do I change my email address, mailing address or other contact information?
Online – Login to PELS to update your contact information. On our home page, under "Online Services", click "Contact Information Change". If this is your first time visiting PELS, you’ll need to create a new Username and Password by clicking "New Online User" and completing the registration process. Your changes take effect immediately and will be reflected on the website Roster search within 24 hours. Via Email (address above), the "contact us" link (bottom right corner of our homepage), telephone, or fax. Change requests received via these methods will be reflected on the website Roster search within 5-7 days.
True |
False |
14. |
Q. How do I obtain a "letter of good standing" for the Secretary of State?
You’re firm needs to apply for a Certificate of Authorization (COA). Once COA licensure is granted a license letter or letter of good standing, will be emailed to you. This license letter is what you’ll present to the Secretary of State.
True |
False |
15. |
Q. What is the process?
Each Board has their own Verification form. Complete your section(s) and forward the form to us. We will complete our section, verifying all license(s), and all exams taken within our jurisdiction. We will then forward the completed form to the state where you are seeking licensure.
True |
False |
16. |
Q. How do I get their form to the Arkansas Board after I complete my section(s)?
Email – Email the form to pelsboard@arkansas.gov. Forms are processed within 24-48 hours. USPS – send to our Mailing address. From the date you mail the form, allow 2-3 weeks for the other state to receive it.
True |
False |
17. |
Q. Do you charge a fee for license/exam verification(s)?
No, we don’t charge a fee for this service.
True |
False |
18. |
Q. What is the renewal period?
Licenses are renewed for a two year period.
True |
False |
19. |
Q. When do licenses expire?
- PE’s, EI’s and COA’s 12/31
- PS’s, SI’s 6/30
- Dual (PE & PS) 9/30
True |
False |
20. |
Q. What happens if I don’t renew by the expiration date?
Your license has lapsed and is expired. For Professionals, only those in good standing may offer or practice engineering or surveying. You may be returned to good standing by paying the renewal fee and a late penalty:
- Late Penalty – Between 1-60 days after the expiration date, a late penalty of 50% is added to the Renewal Fee
- Late Penalty – Between 61 days to 2 years after the expiration date, a late penalty of 100% is added to the Renewal Fee.
- More than 2 years, contact our office for instructions.
True |
False |
21. |
Q. Is there a grace period?
No, your license lapses on the first day after it expires.
True |
False |
22. |
Q. How do I renew my license?
Online – From our homepage, under "Online Services", click "Renew a License". This method provides; immediate confirmation of payment, the ability to print your own pocket card and the website Roster will be updated within 24 hours.
Paper form – From our homepage, click on "Applications & Forms". Click either the "Other Engineer Forms" or "Other Surveyor Forms" link and scroll to the bottom of the new page. Your cancelled check will serve as your receipt and a pocket card will be emailed. Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing.
True |
False |
23. |
Q. How do I pay my renewal fee?
Online – Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express), or E-Check.
Mail in – Check (personal, cashiers, company) or money order payable to PE & PS fund.
True |
False |
24. |
Q. How much is the renewal fee for the 2 year period?
- Professional Engineers (PE) $ 80.00
- Engineer Intern (EI) $ 10.00
- Professional Surveyors (PS) $ 60.00
- Surveyor Intern (EI) $ 10.00
- Certificate of Authorization (COA) $100.00
- Dual (PE & PS) $140.00
True |
False |
25. |
Q. What is the continuing education requirement (PDH) for each renewal period?
- PE’s or PS’s 30
- Dual (PE & PS) 40
- Engineer or Surveyor Interns Not applicable
True |
False |
26. |
Q. How many PDH’s may be carried over to the next renewal period?
- PE’s or PS’s 30
- Dual (PE & PS) 40
- Engineer or Surveyor Interns Not applicable
True |
False |
27. |
Q. Where can I view my PDH carryover hours?
Online – From our homepage, under "Online Services", click "Search for a License". Choose Individuals and follow the instructions on the next page. Click on the name to view the results.
True |
False |
28. |
Q. What if I don’t have the required PDH by the renewal date, should I go ahead and renew?
To avoid a lapsed license and the incursion of late penalties, it’s best to pay your renewal fee before the expiration date. During the renewal process, if you report less than the required hours, you’ll be offered a probationary period to acquire the balance.
True |
False |
29. |
Q. What does probation mean?
It means you have an active license in a "probation" status. You have six months from the expiration date to provide documentation of having obtained both the originally reported and the necessary additional hours. Lacking documentation, your license will be placed in inactive status.
True |
False |