Advanced Internet Course in Significant Florida Building Code Changes 8th Edition (2023)

Quiz Questions

1. Which one of the sections below the course was intended to cover:
Florida building code 2023
Florida Building code 2020
2021 International Building code
All of the above
2. Swim-up bars are only permitted at
Transient public lodging establishments licensed under s. 509.013(4)(a)1, Florida Statutes,
At theme parks
Entertainment complex as defined in s. 509.013(9), F.S
All of the above

Not fewer than one layer of water-resistive barrier material shall be attached to the studs or sheathing, with flashing as described in Section 1405.4, in such a manner as to provide a continuous water-resistive barrier behind the exterior wall veneer. Water-resistive barriers shall comply with

  1. No. 15 felt complying with ASTM D226, Type I.
  2. ASTM E2556, Type I or II.
  3. ASTM E331 in accordance with Section 1402.2.
  4. Other approved materials installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
Only with one of the listed in the above.
Number 1 and number 2 of the above list
Number 1 and number 4 in the above list
All of the above

Which one of the followings are key changes for 1518.2 underlayments (HVHZ roof slopes 2.12 or greater)

  1. Where felt underlayment is used, it must be 30# or equivalent (ASTM D 226 Type II, ASTM D4869 Type III or IV).
  2. Underlayment complying with ASTM D8257 (synthetic underlayment) has been added as an option for some roof coverings.
  3. Overlapping and fastening requirements for the double layer underlayment system (Item 3, Section 1518.2.1) have been revised to accommodate underlayment products that are wider than 36 inches.
  4. Where self-adhering strips/tapes are applied over roof deck joints, a 30# equivalent underlayment with enhanced fastening is required over the strips/tapes.
a &b
a, b, and c
All of the above
5. In determining dead loads for purposes of design, the weight of fixed service equipment, including the maximum weight of the contents of fixed service equipment,
shall be included.
Should not be included
Can be guessed at the time of the design
Should not be included because it is negligent
6. The weight of photovoltaic panel systems, their support systems, and ballast shall be considered as
dead load.
Variable load
Seasonal load
Is not included in the total load.
7. Which one of the followings shall be considered dead load
Photovoltaics panel system and their support on the roof
Solar panels and their support on the roof.
Weigh of landscaping and vegetation on the roof
All of the above
8. Fixed ladders with rungs shall be designed to resist a single concentrated load of
300 lb.
400 lb.
350 lb.
500 lb.
9. In design of stadiums and arenas with fixed seats shall include horizontal and perpendicular swaying forces applied to each row of seats as follows:
24 pounds per linear foot (0.35 kN/m) horizontal and 10 pounds per linear foot (0.15 kN/m) vertical. The loads would not be applied simultaneously.
50 pounds per linear foot (0.35 kN/m) horizontal and 20 pounds per linear foot (0.15 kN/m) vertical. The loads would not be applied simultaneously.
70 pounds per linear foot (0.35 kN/m) horizontal and 30 pounds per linear foot (0.15 kN/m) vertical. The loads would not be applied simultaneously.
A combination of 70 pounds horizontal and 30 pounds vertical applied simultaneously
10. The ultimate design wind speed, Vult, in mph, for the determination of the wind loads is determined by Figures
All of the above
1. Which one of the sections below the course was intended to cover:
Florida building code 2023
Florida Building code 2020
2021 International Building code
All of the above
2. Swim-up bars are only permitted at
Transient public lodging establishments licensed under s. 509.013(4)(a)1, Florida Statutes,
At theme parks
Entertainment complex as defined in s. 509.013(9), F.S
All of the above

Not fewer than one layer of water-resistive barrier material shall be attached to the studs or sheathing, with flashing as described in Section 1405.4, in such a manner as to provide a continuous water-resistive barrier behind the exterior wall veneer. Water-resistive barriers shall comply with

  1. No. 15 felt complying with ASTM D226, Type I.
  2. ASTM E2556, Type I or II.
  3. ASTM E331 in accordance with Section 1402.2.
  4. Other approved materials installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
Only with one of the listed in the above.
Number 1 and number 2 of the above list
Number 1 and number 4 in the above list
All of the above

Which one of the followings are key changes for 1518.2 underlayments (HVHZ roof slopes 2.12 or greater)

  1. Where felt underlayment is used, it must be 30# or equivalent (ASTM D 226 Type II, ASTM D4869 Type III or IV).
  2. Underlayment complying with ASTM D8257 (synthetic underlayment) has been added as an option for some roof coverings.
  3. Overlapping and fastening requirements for the double layer underlayment system (Item 3, Section 1518.2.1) have been revised to accommodate underlayment products that are wider than 36 inches.
  4. Where self-adhering strips/tapes are applied over roof deck joints, a 30# equivalent underlayment with enhanced fastening is required over the strips/tapes.
a &b
a, b, and c
All of the above
5. In determining dead loads for purposes of design, the weight of fixed service equipment, including the maximum weight of the contents of fixed service equipment,
shall be included.
Should not be included
Can be guessed at the time of the design
Should not be included because it is negligent
6. The weight of photovoltaic panel systems, their support systems, and ballast shall be considered as
dead load.
Variable load
Seasonal load
Is not included in the total load.
7. Which one of the followings shall be considered dead load
Photovoltaics panel system and their support on the roof
Solar panels and their support on the roof.
Weigh of landscaping and vegetation on the roof
All of the above
8. Fixed ladders with rungs shall be designed to resist a single concentrated load of
300 lb.
400 lb.
350 lb.
500 lb.
9. In design of stadiums and arenas with fixed seats shall include horizontal and perpendicular swaying forces applied to each row of seats as follows:
24 pounds per linear foot (0.35 kN/m) horizontal and 10 pounds per linear foot (0.15 kN/m) vertical. The loads would not be applied simultaneously.
50 pounds per linear foot (0.35 kN/m) horizontal and 20 pounds per linear foot (0.15 kN/m) vertical. The loads would not be applied simultaneously.
70 pounds per linear foot (0.35 kN/m) horizontal and 30 pounds per linear foot (0.15 kN/m) vertical. The loads would not be applied simultaneously.
A combination of 70 pounds horizontal and 30 pounds vertical applied simultaneously
10. The ultimate design wind speed, Vult, in mph, for the determination of the wind loads is determined by Figures
All of the above