Accident Case - Caribbean Petroleum Tank Explosion and Fire

Quiz Questions

1. The CSB finds US regulations fail to consider bulk petroleum storage tank terminals similar to CAPECO as _________facilities.
Low- hazard
None of the above
2. Tanks were not equipped with an independent high-level alarm system, this falls in which category of the Key findings?
Human factors
Safety Management systems
Control and Monitoring Failures
Lack of Reporting Requirements
3. _____________ requires an operator to read a level measurement from a tank gauge mounted to the side of the tank.
Automatic Tank Gauging
Semi-Automatic Tank Gauging
Manual Gauging
None of the above
4. The CSB determined nearly ________ gallons of gasoline, the equivalent of 20 fully loaded gasoline tanker trucks, rushed out of six vents in the tank.
5. The CSB found which of the following shortcomings in the emergency response to the CAPECO incident?
Insufficient equipment
Limited emergency preparedness
Insufficient preplanning with local fire departments or firefighter training at the site level
All of the above
6. At the CAPECO facility, the 2009 explosion and fires did not result in any fatalities.
7. In May 2010, CAPECO was required to pay more than ___________ for environmental liabilities associated with the Bayamón petroleum distribution facility and the 170 service stations it owned and leased under a settlement agreement.
$1.5 million
$4 million
$8.2 million
$50 million
8. The CSB finds that systemic failures at CAPECO included which of the following?
An unreliable computer for calculating tank fill times
A history of poorly maintaining terminal operations
A lack of overfill prevention safeguards as an independent alarm
All of the above
9. In CAPECO facility, Float and tape gauges, which the aboveground storage tank industry has used for many years, are also prone to failure due to historically well-known design flaws.

The standard recommends that facilities implement a safety management system that includes _________________?

Formal documented operating procedures
Competent operating personnel
Scheduled inspections
All of the above

What does PHA stand for?

Process hazard analysis
Process health analysis
Periodic heat analyzer
None of the above
12. OSHA’s Flammable and Combustible Liquids standard (1910.106), which covers tank terminals containing flammable materials, does not require overfill protections for aboveground storage tanks.
13. A major contributor to the migration and dispersion of the vapor cloud was the open dike valves that enabled fuel to accumulate in the storm water retention pond in the WWT area.
14. The ___________ determined that existing regulatory, industry, and consensus standards do not adequately protect workers and the public from the dangers posed by bulk petroleum storage tank terminals.
15. The Federal Water Pollution Act of 1972, or Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended, gives the EPA jurisdiction to protect ___________ from pollution.
Protected waters
International waters
Navigable waters
None of the above