OL514 | A Framework for Analyzing the Hydrologic Condition of Watersheds | 5 | $45.00 |
OL489 | Accident Case - Chemical Manufacturing Incident | 10 | $90.00 |
OL513 | Accident Reporting and Analysis in Forestry | 7 | $63.00 |
OL508 | Advanced Modular Building Construction | 21 | $189.00 |
OL06 | Aircraft Fire Fighting | 7 | $63.00 |
OL413 | Alabama Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 4 | $36.00 |
OL412 | Alaska Board of Engineers, Land Surveyors and Architects Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL343 | Appropriate Response to the Uncontrolled Release of Hazardous Substances | 10 | $90.00 |
OL411 | Arkansas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL08 | Army Aviation Lighting | 6 | $54.00 |
OL575 | Asbestos at Workplace and Residence | 14 | $126.00 |
OL664 | Assessing Emerging Policy Threats to the U.S. Power Grid | 4 | $36.00 |
OL659 | Battery Energy Storage System | 12 | $108.00 |
OL12 | Bridge Inspection | 18 | $162.00 |
OL13 | Cathodic Protection System for Civil Works Structures | 15 | $135.00 |
OL14 | Causes of Distress and Deterioration in Concrete | 5 | $45.00 |
OL15a | Central Boiler Plants I | 3 | $27.00 |
OL15b | Central Boiler Plants II | 15 | $135.00 |
OL15c | Central Boiler Plants III | 30 | $270.00 |
OL166 | Coastal Geological Investigations | 10 | $90.00 |
OL560 | Computing Stormwater Runoff Rates and Volumes
| 4 | $36.00 |
OL112 | Concrete Hydraulic Structures, Time-History Dynamic Analysis | 36 | $324.00 |
OL113 | Construction Considerations for Low Density Concrete | 1 | $9.00 |
OL512 | Construction of a Complete Rain Garden | 5 | $45.00 |
OL167 | Covered Storage | 12 | $108.00 |
OL577 | Danger of Asbestos Around the World | 6 | $54.00 |
OL402 | Design and Construction of Continues Flight Auger Piles | 34 | $299.00 |
OL504 | Design and Construction of Tunnels | 39 | $349.00 |
OL313 | Design of Small Water Systems | 11 | $99.00 |
OL21 | Domestic Wastewater Treatment | 17 | $153.00 |
OL510 | Drainage Design Criteria | 11 | $99.00 |
OL119 | Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal | 9 | $81.00 |
OL120 | Drilling and Blasting for Surface Excavations | 12 | $108.00 |
OL25 | Electric Power Plant Design | 14 | $126.00 |
OL26 | Electrical Design Lightning and Static Electricity | 2 | $18.00 |
OL27 | Electrical Power Supply and Distribution | 15 | $135.00 |
OL362 | Energy Efficient Building Design Guidelines | 6 | $72.00 |
OL252 | Engineering and Design of Incinerators for Combustible Waste | 2 | $18.00 |
OL337 | Engineering Design - Precipitation, Coagulation, Flocculation | 14 | $126.00 |
OL361 | Environmental Design for Small Boat Basins | 5 | $45.00 |
OL329 | Environmental Engineering for Coastal Shore Protection | 27 | $243.00 |
OL336 | Environmental Engineering for Flood Control Channels | 10 | $90.00 |
OL85 | Evaluation and Repair of Concrete Structures | 18 | $162.00 |
OL29 | Fire Fighting | 26 | $234.00 |
OL31 | Foundation in Expansive Soils | 10 | $90.00 |
OL124 | General Design and Construction of Earth and Rock-Fill Dams | 12 | $108.00 |
OL24 | General Ethics and Standards for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors | 3 | $27.00 |
OL253 | General Piping Design | 5 | $45.00 |
OL230 | Geospatial Data and Systems | 24 | $216.00 |
OL196 | Grouting Technology | 15 | $135.00 |
OL36 | Heavy Load on Concrete Slabs | 4 | $36.00 |
OL457 | Highway Surveying Manual | 32 | $319.00 |
OL463 | History of Surveying | 4 | $36.00 |
OL443 | How GE Teaches Teams To Lead Change | 2 | $18.00 |
OL368 | How the Energy Efficient Buildings in Los Alamos Labs are Built | 30 | $270.00 |
OL258 | How to Comply with the Air Quality in Ethylene Oxide Plants | 2 | $18.00 |
OL573 | How to Cure Portland Cement | 21 | $189.00 |
OL88 | How to Design Pile Foundations | 18 | $162.00 |
OL41 | How to Evaluate & Repair Concrete Structures | 20 | $180.00 |
OL370 | How to Evaluate Earth Quaked Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings | 36 | $324.00 |
OL89 | How to Inspect, Evaluate and Repair Hydraulic Structures | 15 | $135.00 |
OL505 | How to Maintain Gravel Road | 20 | $180.00 |
OL51 | How to Protect Coastal Shorelines | 6 | $54.00 |
OL483 | HVAC Split Systems | 2 | $18.00 |
OL430 | Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts | 32 | $288.00 |
OL125 | Hydroelectric Power Plants Electrical Design | 10 | $90.00 |
OL297 | Illinois Board of Professional Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL492 | Improving Boilers and Heater Energy Efficiency | 4 | $36.00 |
OL516 | Improving Compressed Air System Performance | 18 | $162.00 |
OL268 | Incinerators Mobilization Construction | 3 | $27.00 |
OL301 | Indiana Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 4 | $36.00 |
OL128 | Instrumentation for Concrete Structures | 26 | $234.00 |
OL396 | International Standard for Centrifugal Pumps | 30 | $270.00 |
OL414 | Iowa Board of Professional Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics | 5 | $45.00 |
OL631 | Kansas Rules and Regulations for PE Engineers, Land Surveyors, Architects and Geologists | 3 | $27.00 |
OL632 | Kentucky State Board of Engineers Rules, Laws, and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL54 | Landscape Design and Planning | 3 | $27.00 |
OL476 | Leading and Motivating as a Manager | 2 | $18.00 |
OL517 | Life Cycle Assessment of Energy and LED Lighting | 8 | $72.00 |
OL267 | Liquid Process Piping | 22 | $198.00 |
OL302 | Louisiana Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL415 | Maine State Board of Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics | 2 | $18.00 |
OL55a | Maintenance & Repair of Building Structures I | 3 | $27.00 |
OL55b | Maintenance & Repair of Building Structures II | 10 | $90.00 |
OL55c | Maintenance & Repair of Building Structures III | 20 | $180.00 |
OL56 | Maintenance of Surface Areas and Related Structures | 15 | $135.00 |
OL57 | Maintenance of Trackage | 10 | $90.00 |
OL58 | Maintenance of Waterfront Structures | 8 | $72.00 |
OL342 | Management Guidelines for Working with Radioactive and Mixed Waste | 20 | $180.00 |
OL627 | Mast Climbing Platform Collapse in Austin, Texas | 4 | $48.00 |
OL515 | Measurement of Mercury and Heavy Metals Emissions from Fossil- Fired Power Plants | 30 | $270.00 |
OL136 | Mechanical and Electrical Design of Pumping Station | 12 | $108.00 |
OL410 | Michigan Professional Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics | 1 | $9.00 |
OL299 | Minnesota Board of Professional Architects, Engineers, Land Surveyors, Geologists, Landscape Architects, Soil Scientists and Interior Designers Rules, Laws and Ethics | 4 | $36.00 |
OL421 | Mississippi State Board of Engineers and Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL633 | Missouri Laws and Rules for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects | 3 | $27.00 |
OL634 | Montana Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules and Laws | 2 | $18.00 |
OL59 | Natural Resources Forest Management | 3 | $27.00 |
OL60 | Natural Resources Land Management | 17 | $153.00 |
OL232 | NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Surveying | 30 | $270.00 |
OL417 | Nebraska State Board of Engineers and Architects Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL635 | Nevada State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules and Laws | 3 | $27.00 |
OL138 | New & Old Electronic Glossary | 2 | $18.00 |
OL636 | New Hampshire Board of Professional Engineers Laws and Rules | 4 | $36.00 |
OL300 | New Jersey State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL422 | New Mexico State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 2 | $18.00 |
OL23 | New York Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL176 | Noise and Vibration Control | 10 | $90.00 |
OL423 | North Carolina State Board of Engineering and Land Surveying Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL637 | North Dakota State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules and Laws | 2 | $18.00 |
OL638 | Oklahoma State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 4 | $36.00 |
OL263 | On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) Rules Compilation | 15 | $135.00 |
OL139 | Operation & Maintenance Best Practices | 22 | $198.00 |
OL62 | Operation, Maintenance and Repair of Auxiliary Generators | 12 | $108.00 |
OL427 | Operational Method for the Assessment Of Existing Structures | 35 | $315.00 |
OL418 | Oregon State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL561 | OSHA-Controlling Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
| 5 | $45.00 |
OL264 | Outdoor Burning | 3 | $27.00 |
OL262 | Outdoor Burning in Texas | 3 | $27.00 |
OL194 | Overview of Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas Pipelines | 2 | $18.00 |
OL353 | Overview of Steam Generator Tube Degradation and Integrity Issues | 4 | $36.00 |
OL270 | Package Plants for Wastewater Technology | 3 | $27.00 |
OL472 | Park Design Standards Manual | 6 | $54.00 |
OL63 | Pavement Maintenance | 6 | $54.00 |
OL64 | Pavement Maintenance Management | 15 | $135.00 |
OL247 | Pennsylvania Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists Rules, Laws and Ethics | 2 | $18.00 |
OL240 | Planning and Processing Surveys for Civil Works Projects | 4 | $36.00 |
OL581 | Pond Construction and Design | 6 | $72.00 |
OL241 | Positioning Techniques for Offshore Engineering Surveys | 8 | $72.00 |
OL140 | Post Earthquake Evaluation and Repair of Welded Steel Design | 20 | $180.00 |
OL65 | Preventive Maintenance Program | 2 | $18.00 |
OL175 | Principals of Synchros, Servos and Gyros | 18 | $162.00 |
OL315 | Principles of Electromagnetic Spectrum and Satellite Platforms | 7 | $63.00 |
OL244 | Project Control, Coordinate Systems and Datums | 8 | $72.00 |
OL141 | Promoting Seismic Safety | 4 | $36.00 |
OL220 | Proposed Gulf of Mexico OCS (Outer Continental shelf) Oil and Gas Lease Sale 207 | 12 | $108.00 |
OL142 | Proposed Test Protocol for Calculating the Energy Efficiency of Internal Ac-Dc Power Supplies | 2 | $18.00 |
OL242 | Public Land Survey Systems | 4 | $36.00 |
OL143 | Radar Principles | 20 | $180.00 |
OL144 | Radio Frequency Communications Principles | 20 | $180.00 |
OL95 | Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations | 3 | $27.00 |
OL145 | Recommended Seismic Evaluation of Welded Designs | 20 | $180.00 |
OL66 | Repair of Rigid Pavement Using Epoxy | 2 | $18.00 |
OL466 | Residential Structural Design Guide | 52 | $399.00 |
OL96 | Retaining and Floodwalls | 30 | $270.00 |
OL174 | Rigs-to-Reefs Policy, Progress and Perspective | 1 | $9.00 |
OL146 | Risk Based Methodologies for Evaluating Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacts at Oil and Natural Gas E&P Sites | 10 | $90.00 |
OL236 | Road Surveying; Reconnaissance Survey | 4 | $36.00 |
OL173 | Rock Foundations | 12 | $108.00 |
OL67 | Roofing | 9 | $81.00 |
OL68 | Safeguarding Equipment and Protecting Workers from Amputations | 7 | $63.00 |
OL147 | Seismic Considerations for Steel Storage Racks | 15 | $135.00 |
OL69 | Sheet Piling | 4 | $36.00 |
OL243 | Single Beam Acoustic Depth Measurement Techniques | 8 | $72.00 |
OL70 | Site Planning and Design | 8 | $72.00 |
OL71 | Soil and Geology Procedure for Foundation Design | 20 | $180.00 |
OL72 | Soil Stabilizations for Pavements | 6 | $54.00 |
OL73 | Solar Water Heating | 4 | $36.00 |
OL271 | Solar-Powered Livestock Watering Systems | 2 | $18.00 |
OL74 | Solid Waste Management | 17 | $153.00 |
OL298 | South Carolina Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL639 | South Dakota State Board of Engineers, Land Surveyors and Building Professionals Rules, laws and Ethics | 4 | $36.00 |
OL97 | Stability Analysis of Concrete Structures | 15 | $135.00 |
OL98 | Standard Practice for Concrete Pavement | 6 | $54.00 |
OL195 | Standard Practice for Shotcrete | 4 | $36.00 |
OL326 | Starting a Business for Engineers and Scientists | 1 | $9.00 |
OL148 | Strategies for Characterizing Subsurface Releases of Gasoline Containing MTBE II | 12 | $108.00 |
OL149 | Structural & Architectural Design of Pumping Stations | 7 | $63.00 |
OL245 | Structural Deformation Surveying | 34 | $306.00 |
OL172 | Summary of Federal Regulations for Underground Storage Tank Systems | 4 | $36.00 |
OL459 | Survey Manual | 20 | $180.00 |
OL246 | Survey Markers and Monumentation | 8 | $72.00 |
OL460 | Surveying and Mapping Manual | 30 | $298.00 |
OL464 | Surveying Basics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL226 | Surveying Procedures and Practices | 8 | $72.00 |
OL169 | Swimming Pool Operation and Maintenance | 6 | $54.00 |
OL99 | System Engineering Fundamentals | 25 | $225.00 |
OL440 | Taking Social Media From Talk To Action | 3 | $27.00 |
OL150 | Technical Manual for Dam Owners - Impact of Animals on Earthen Dams | 10 | $90.00 |
OL305 | Technical Painting for New Construction and Maintenance | 18 | $162.00 |
OL640 | Tennessee State Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL151 | Test Method for Calculating the Energy Efficiency of Single Voltage External Ac-Dc and Ac-Ac Power Supplies | 1 | $9.00 |
OL223 | Texas Board of Professional Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL444 | The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy | 3 | $36.00 |
OL209 | The Purpose for the Florida Building Code | 3 | $27.00 |
OL349 | Thermal Spray Coating for New Construction & Maintenance | 2 | $18.00 |
OL272 | Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow | 20 | $180.00 |
OL75 | Tornado Risks, Shelter and Recommendations | 4 | $36.00 |
OL76 | Training Marine Oil Spill Response Workers | 3 | $27.00 |
OL303 | Transit Security Design Against Terrorist Attack | 30 | $270.00 |
OL152 | Typical Costs of Seismic Rehab of Existing Buildings | 8 | $72.00 |
OL101 | Understanding Natural Gas Markets | 2 | $18.00 |
OL153 | Unsurfaced Road Maintenance Management | 5 | $45.00 |
OL227 | Using Differential GPS Positioning for Elevation Determination | 4 | $36.00 |
OL77 | USS Steel Sheet Piling Design Manual | 30 | $270.00 |
OL182 | UST Systems Inspecting and Maintaining Sumps and Spill Buckets | 3 | $27.00 |
OL641 | Utah State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws, and Ethics | 2 | $18.00 |
OL273 | Valves, Valve Actuators, Air Compressors, Hydraulics, Boilers, Cooling Towers, Demineralizers, Pressurizes, Steam Traps and Filters and Strainers | 18 | $162.00 |
OL642 | Vermont State Board of Engineers Rules, Laws, and Ethics | 1 | $9.00 |
OL643 | Virginia Rules, Laws, and Ethics for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors | 3 | $27.00 |
OL304 | Water Quality Analysis of Reservoirs | 18 | $162.00 |
OL320 | Water Resource Systems | 2 | $18.00 |
OL78 | Water Supply Pumping Station | 2 | $18.00 |
OL449 | Water Use Efficiency | 9 | $81.00 |
OL644 | West Virginia State Board of Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL154 | What Caused the Explosion and Fire in Napp Technology in New Jersey | 5 | $45.00 |
OL79 | What Caused the Explosion in Shell Co. in Deer Park, Texas | 7 | $63.00 |
OL509 | What is LiDAR Technology | 10 | $90.00 |
OL80 | Wire Rope Selection for Gate Operating Devices | 5 | $45.00 |
OL645 | Wisconsin State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws, and Ethics | 1 | $9.00 |
OL155 | Wood - Adhesive Bonding | 3 | $27.00 |
OL156 | Wood - Based Composites and Panel Products | 3 | $27.00 |
OL157 | Wood - Biodetrioration | 2 | $18.00 |
OL158 | Wood - Characteristic of Commercial Wood | 3 | $27.00 |
OL159 | Wood - Commercial Lumber | 2 | $18.00 |
OL160 | Wood - Drying, Moisture and Dimensional Changes | 2 | $18.00 |
OL161 | Wood - Fastening | 2 | $18.00 |
OL162 | Wood - Finishing | 4 | $36.00 |
OL102 | Wood - Fire Safety | 2 | $18.00 |
OL163 | Wood - Handbook | 36 | $324.00 |
OL103 | Wood - Lumber Stress Grade & Design | 2 | $18.00 |
OL164 | Wood - Mechanical Properties | 4 | $36.00 |
OL104 | Wood - Physical Properties | 3 | $27.00 |
OL165 | Wood - Preservation | 3 | $27.00 |
OL105 | Wood - Use in Buildings and Bridges | 2 | $18.00 |
OL324 | Writing Guide For Engineers and Scientists | 1 | $9.00 |
OL325 | Writing Technical Reports | 1 | $9.00 |
OL419 | Wyoming State Board of Engineers and Land surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |