$9 PDH Courses

The following PDH courses have been selected carefully to maintain, improve or expand the technical knowledge of the license's in his/her field of practice.

All Subject matters are technical in nature and addresses business management practices, professional ethics, quality assurance, codes or other similar topics which facilitate the licensee's professional development as a professional engineer and serves to safeguard (HSW) Health, safety and welfare of the citizens.

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ID Course Name PDH Price
OL514A Framework for Analyzing the Hydrologic Condition of Watersheds5$45.00
OL489Accident Case - Chemical Manufacturing Incident10$90.00
OL513Accident Reporting and Analysis in Forestry7$63.00
OL508Advanced Modular Building Construction21$189.00
OL06Aircraft Fire Fighting7$63.00
OL413Alabama Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics4$36.00
OL412Alaska Board of Engineers, Land Surveyors and Architects Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL343Appropriate Response to the Uncontrolled Release of Hazardous Substances10$90.00
OL411Arkansas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL08Army Aviation Lighting6$54.00
OL575Asbestos at Workplace and Residence14$126.00
OL664Assessing Emerging Policy Threats to the U.S. Power Grid4$36.00
OL659Battery Energy Storage System12$108.00
OL12Bridge Inspection18$162.00
OL13Cathodic Protection System for Civil Works Structures15$135.00
OL14Causes of Distress and Deterioration in Concrete5$45.00
OL15aCentral Boiler Plants I3$27.00
OL15bCentral Boiler Plants II15$135.00
OL15cCentral Boiler Plants III30$270.00
OL166Coastal Geological Investigations10$90.00
OL560Computing Stormwater Runoff Rates and Volumes 4$36.00
OL112Concrete Hydraulic Structures, Time-History Dynamic Analysis36$324.00
OL113Construction Considerations for Low Density Concrete1$9.00
OL512Construction of a Complete Rain Garden5$45.00
OL167Covered Storage12$108.00
OL577Danger of Asbestos Around the World6$54.00
OL402Design and Construction of Continues Flight Auger Piles34$299.00
OL504Design and Construction of Tunnels39$349.00
OL313Design of Small Water Systems11$99.00
OL21Domestic Wastewater Treatment17$153.00
OL510Drainage Design Criteria11$99.00
OL119Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal9$81.00
OL120Drilling and Blasting for Surface Excavations12$108.00
OL25Electric Power Plant Design14$126.00
OL26Electrical Design Lightning and Static Electricity2$18.00
OL27Electrical Power Supply and Distribution15$135.00
OL362Energy Efficient Building Design Guidelines6$72.00
OL252Engineering and Design of Incinerators for Combustible Waste2$18.00
OL337Engineering Design - Precipitation, Coagulation, Flocculation14$126.00
OL361Environmental Design for Small Boat Basins5$45.00
OL329Environmental Engineering for Coastal Shore Protection27$243.00
OL336Environmental Engineering for Flood Control Channels10$90.00
OL85Evaluation and Repair of Concrete Structures18$162.00
OL29Fire Fighting26$234.00
OL31Foundation in Expansive Soils10$90.00
OL124General Design and Construction of Earth and Rock-Fill Dams12$108.00
OL24General Ethics and Standards for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors3$27.00
OL253General Piping Design5$45.00
OL230Geospatial Data and Systems24$216.00
OL196Grouting Technology15$135.00
OL36Heavy Load on Concrete Slabs4$36.00
OL457Highway Surveying Manual32$319.00
OL463History of Surveying4$36.00
OL443How GE Teaches Teams To Lead Change2$18.00
OL368How the Energy Efficient Buildings in Los Alamos Labs are Built30$270.00
OL258How to Comply with the Air Quality in Ethylene Oxide Plants2$18.00
OL573How to Cure Portland Cement21$189.00
OL88How to Design Pile Foundations18$162.00
OL41How to Evaluate & Repair Concrete Structures20$180.00
OL370How to Evaluate Earth Quaked Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings36$324.00
OL89How to Inspect, Evaluate and Repair Hydraulic Structures15$135.00
OL505How to Maintain Gravel Road20$180.00
OL51How to Protect Coastal Shorelines6$54.00
OL483HVAC Split Systems2$18.00
OL430Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts32$288.00
OL125Hydroelectric Power Plants Electrical Design10$90.00
OL297Illinois Board of Professional Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL492Improving Boilers and Heater Energy Efficiency4$36.00
OL516Improving Compressed Air System Performance18$162.00
OL268Incinerators Mobilization Construction3$27.00
OL301Indiana Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics4$36.00
OL128Instrumentation for Concrete Structures26$234.00
OL396International Standard for Centrifugal Pumps30$270.00
OL414Iowa Board of Professional Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics5$45.00
OL631Kansas Rules and Regulations for PE Engineers, Land Surveyors, Architects and Geologists3$27.00
OL632Kentucky State Board of Engineers Rules, Laws, and Ethics3$27.00
OL54Landscape Design and Planning3$27.00
OL476Leading and Motivating as a Manager2$18.00
OL517Life Cycle Assessment of Energy and LED Lighting8$72.00
OL267Liquid Process Piping22$198.00
OL302Louisiana Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL415Maine State Board of Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics2$18.00
OL55aMaintenance & Repair of Building Structures I3$27.00
OL55bMaintenance & Repair of Building Structures II10$90.00
OL55cMaintenance & Repair of Building Structures III20$180.00
OL56Maintenance of Surface Areas and Related Structures15$135.00
OL57Maintenance of Trackage10$90.00
OL58Maintenance of Waterfront Structures8$72.00
OL342Management Guidelines for Working with Radioactive and Mixed Waste20$180.00
OL627Mast Climbing Platform Collapse in Austin, Texas4$48.00
OL515Measurement of Mercury and Heavy Metals Emissions from Fossil- Fired Power Plants30$270.00
OL136Mechanical and Electrical Design of Pumping Station12$108.00
OL410Michigan Professional Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics1$9.00
OL299Minnesota Board of Professional Architects, Engineers, Land Surveyors, Geologists, Landscape Architects, Soil Scientists and Interior Designers Rules, Laws and Ethics4$36.00
OL421Mississippi State Board of Engineers and Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL633Missouri Laws and Rules for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects3$27.00
OL634Montana Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules and Laws2$18.00
OL59Natural Resources Forest Management3$27.00
OL60Natural Resources Land Management17$153.00
OL232NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Surveying30$270.00
OL417Nebraska State Board of Engineers and Architects Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL635Nevada State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules and Laws3$27.00
OL138New & Old Electronic Glossary2$18.00
OL636New Hampshire Board of Professional Engineers Laws and Rules4$36.00
OL300New Jersey State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL422New Mexico State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics2$18.00
OL23New York Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL176Noise and Vibration Control10$90.00
OL423North Carolina State Board of Engineering and Land Surveying Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL637North Dakota State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules and Laws2$18.00
OL638Oklahoma State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics4$36.00
OL263On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) Rules Compilation15$135.00
OL139Operation & Maintenance Best Practices22$198.00
OL62Operation, Maintenance and Repair of Auxiliary Generators12$108.00
OL427Operational Method for the Assessment Of Existing Structures35$315.00
OL418Oregon State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL561OSHA-Controlling Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) 5$45.00
OL264Outdoor Burning3$27.00
OL262Outdoor Burning in Texas3$27.00
OL194Overview of Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas Pipelines2$18.00
OL353Overview of Steam Generator Tube Degradation and Integrity Issues4$36.00
OL270Package Plants for Wastewater Technology3$27.00
OL472Park Design Standards Manual6$54.00
OL63Pavement Maintenance6$54.00
OL64Pavement Maintenance Management15$135.00
OL247Pennsylvania Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists Rules, Laws and Ethics2$18.00
OL240Planning and Processing Surveys for Civil Works Projects4$36.00
OL581Pond Construction and Design6$72.00
OL241Positioning Techniques for Offshore Engineering Surveys8$72.00
OL140Post Earthquake Evaluation and Repair of Welded Steel Design20$180.00
OL65Preventive Maintenance Program2$18.00
OL175Principals of Synchros, Servos and Gyros18$162.00
OL315Principles of Electromagnetic Spectrum and Satellite Platforms7$63.00
OL244Project Control, Coordinate Systems and Datums8$72.00
OL141Promoting Seismic Safety4$36.00
OL220Proposed Gulf of Mexico OCS (Outer Continental shelf) Oil and Gas Lease Sale 20712$108.00
OL142Proposed Test Protocol for Calculating the Energy Efficiency of Internal Ac-Dc Power Supplies2$18.00
OL242Public Land Survey Systems4$36.00
OL143Radar Principles20$180.00
OL144Radio Frequency Communications Principles20$180.00
OL95Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations3$27.00
OL145Recommended Seismic Evaluation of Welded Designs20$180.00
OL66Repair of Rigid Pavement Using Epoxy2$18.00
OL466Residential Structural Design Guide52$399.00
OL96Retaining and Floodwalls30$270.00
OL174Rigs-to-Reefs Policy, Progress and Perspective1$9.00
OL146Risk Based Methodologies for Evaluating Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacts at Oil and Natural Gas E&P Sites10$90.00
OL236Road Surveying; Reconnaissance Survey4$36.00
OL173Rock Foundations12$108.00
OL68Safeguarding Equipment and Protecting Workers from Amputations7$63.00
OL147Seismic Considerations for Steel Storage Racks15$135.00
OL69Sheet Piling4$36.00
OL243Single Beam Acoustic Depth Measurement Techniques8$72.00
OL70Site Planning and Design8$72.00
OL71Soil and Geology Procedure for Foundation Design20$180.00
OL72Soil Stabilizations for Pavements6$54.00
OL73Solar Water Heating4$36.00
OL271Solar-Powered Livestock Watering Systems2$18.00
OL74Solid Waste Management17$153.00
OL298South Carolina Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL639South Dakota State Board of Engineers, Land Surveyors and Building Professionals Rules, laws and Ethics4$36.00
OL97Stability Analysis of Concrete Structures15$135.00
OL98Standard Practice for Concrete Pavement6$54.00
OL195Standard Practice for Shotcrete4$36.00
OL326Starting a Business for Engineers and Scientists1$9.00
OL148Strategies for Characterizing Subsurface Releases of Gasoline Containing MTBE II12$108.00
OL149Structural & Architectural Design of Pumping Stations7$63.00
OL245Structural Deformation Surveying34$306.00
OL172Summary of Federal Regulations for Underground Storage Tank Systems4$36.00
OL459Survey Manual20$180.00
OL246Survey Markers and Monumentation8$72.00
OL460Surveying and Mapping Manual30$298.00
OL464Surveying Basics3$27.00
OL226Surveying Procedures and Practices8$72.00
OL169Swimming Pool Operation and Maintenance6$54.00
OL99System Engineering Fundamentals25$225.00
OL440Taking Social Media From Talk To Action3$27.00
OL150Technical Manual for Dam Owners - Impact of Animals on Earthen Dams10$90.00
OL305Technical Painting for New Construction and Maintenance18$162.00
OL640Tennessee State Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL151Test Method for Calculating the Energy Efficiency of Single Voltage External Ac-Dc and Ac-Ac Power Supplies1$9.00
OL223Texas Board of Professional Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL444The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy3$36.00
OL209The Purpose for the Florida Building Code3$27.00
OL349Thermal Spray Coating for New Construction & Maintenance2$18.00
OL272Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow20$180.00
OL75Tornado Risks, Shelter and Recommendations4$36.00
OL76Training Marine Oil Spill Response Workers3$27.00
OL303Transit Security Design Against Terrorist Attack30$270.00
OL152Typical Costs of Seismic Rehab of Existing Buildings8$72.00
OL101Understanding Natural Gas Markets2$18.00
OL153Unsurfaced Road Maintenance Management5$45.00
OL227Using Differential GPS Positioning for Elevation Determination4$36.00
OL77USS Steel Sheet Piling Design Manual30$270.00
OL182UST Systems Inspecting and Maintaining Sumps and Spill Buckets3$27.00
OL641Utah State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws, and Ethics2$18.00
OL273Valves, Valve Actuators, Air Compressors, Hydraulics, Boilers, Cooling Towers, Demineralizers, Pressurizes, Steam Traps and Filters and Strainers18$162.00
OL642Vermont State Board of Engineers Rules, Laws, and Ethics1$9.00
OL643Virginia Rules, Laws, and Ethics for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors3$27.00
OL304Water Quality Analysis of Reservoirs18$162.00
OL320Water Resource Systems2$18.00
OL78Water Supply Pumping Station2$18.00
OL449Water Use Efficiency9$81.00
OL644West Virginia State Board of Engineers Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
OL154What Caused the Explosion and Fire in Napp Technology in New Jersey5$45.00
OL79What Caused the Explosion in Shell Co. in Deer Park, Texas7$63.00
OL509What is LiDAR Technology10$90.00
OL80Wire Rope Selection for Gate Operating Devices5$45.00
OL645Wisconsin State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws, and Ethics1$9.00
OL155Wood - Adhesive Bonding3$27.00
OL156Wood - Based Composites and Panel Products3$27.00
OL157Wood - Biodetrioration2$18.00
OL158Wood - Characteristic of Commercial Wood3$27.00
OL159Wood - Commercial Lumber2$18.00
OL160Wood - Drying, Moisture and Dimensional Changes2$18.00
OL161Wood - Fastening2$18.00
OL162Wood - Finishing4$36.00
OL102Wood - Fire Safety2$18.00
OL163Wood - Handbook36$324.00
OL103Wood - Lumber Stress Grade & Design2$18.00
OL164Wood - Mechanical Properties 4$36.00
OL104Wood - Physical Properties3$27.00
OL165Wood - Preservation 3$27.00
OL105Wood - Use in Buildings and Bridges2$18.00
OL324Writing Guide For Engineers and Scientists1$9.00
OL325Writing Technical Reports1$9.00
OL419Wyoming State Board of Engineers and Land surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics3$27.00
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