OL445 | 21st Century Talent Spotting | 2 | $30.00 |
OL621 | A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | 1 | $15.00 |
OL392 | A Guide to OSHA Excavations Standard | 6 | $90.00 |
OL552 | AC Motors, Alternators and Hydraulic Transmission | 4 | $60.00 |
OL553 | AC, DC Circuits, Voltmeter | 5 | $75.00 |
OL482 | Accident - 7 Key Lessons to Prevent Worker Death During Hot Work in and Around Tanks | 2 | $30.00 |
OL665 | Accident - Bridge Collapse in North Carolina | 6 | $90.00 |
OL497 | Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II | 15 | $225.00 |
OL658 | Accident - Fatal Well Blowout in Burleson, Texas | 8 | $120.00 |
OL488 | Accident - Fireworks Disposal Explosion | 11 | $165.00 |
OL494 | Accident - Imperial Sugar Dust Explosion and Fire | 12 | $180.00 |
OL657 | Accident - Tank Farm Explosion and Fire in Deer Park, Texas | 15 | $225.00 |
OL490 | Accident Case - Caribbean Petroleum Tank Explosion and Fire | 14 | $210.00 |
OL493 | Accident Case - DuPont Methyl Chloride Release | 23 | $345.00 |
OL602 | ADA - Accessible Means of Egress | 2 | $30.00 |
OL603 | ADA - Accessible Routes | 2 | $30.00 |
OL607 | ADA - Alterations and Additions | 1 | $15.00 |
OL605 | ADA - Clear Floor Spaces and Ground Surfaces | 2 | $30.00 |
OL604 | ADA - Operable Parts and Protruding Objects | 2 | $30.00 |
OL624 | ADA - Toilet Rooms, Saunas, and Washer and Dryer | 6 | $90.00 |
OL619 | ADA Inspection | 2 | $30.00 |
OL606 | ADA Scoping - New Construction | 2 | $30.00 |
OL669 | Admixtures for Concrete | 3 | $45.00 |
OL536 | Advanced Drone Technology | 7 | $105.00 |
OL630 | Advanced Internet Course in Significant Florida Building Code Changes 8th Edition (2023) | 1 | $15.00 |
OL376 | Air Compressor | 4 | $60.00 |
OL378 | Alternating Current Generators | 3 | $45.00 |
OL653 | America’s Energy Future | 15 | $225.00 |
OL527 | An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice | 2 | $30.00 |
OL554 | Basic Circuit Analysis and Trouble Shooting | 2 | $30.00 |
OL454 | Basic Digital Circuits | 3 | $45.00 |
OL663 | Basic Surveying | 7 | $105.00 |
OL456 | Basic Surveying Theory and Practice | 23 | $345.00 |
OL478 | Basics of RFID Technology | 2 | $30.00 |
OL383 | Basics of Soil Mechanics | 2 | $30.00 |
OL555 | Batteries, Inverters, Semiconductors and Rectifiers | 3 | $45.00 |
OL551 | Benjamin Banker and the Survey of District of Colombia, 1791 | 2 | $30.00 |
OL477 | Better Temperature Measurements | 4 | $60.00 |
OL372 | Building Performance and Damage Investigation after 4 Hurricanes | 4 | $60.00 |
OL373 | Building Performance and Damage Investigation after Hurricane Katrina | 9 | $135.00 |
OL249 | Centrifugal Pumps and its principles | 3 | $45.00 |
OL618 | Collapse of Building under Construction | 2 | $30.00 |
OL587 | Concrete Construction | 12 | $180.00 |
OL574 | Concrete Overlays | 22 | $330.00 |
OL544 | Concrete Testing | 8 | $120.00 |
OL576 | Construction Electrician - Advanced | 9 | $135.00 |
OL346 | Construction of Underground Tunnels | 3 | $45.00 |
OL584 | Corrosion Control | 6 | $90.00 |
OL388 | Culverts Design | 9 | $135.00 |
OL546 | Curing Concrete | 4 | $60.00 |
OL347 | Current Applications and Research in Photovoltaic Technology for Buildings | 4 | $60.00 |
OL292 | D.O.T, Low Cost Treatments for Horizontal Curve Safety | 8 | $120.00 |
OL556 | DC Generators, Armature, Commuters and DC Motors | 4 | $60.00 |
OL339 | Debris Control Structures Evaluation and Countermeasures | 24 | $329.00 |
OL377 | Design and Analysis of Bio Diesel from Algae | 3 | $45.00 |
OL425 | Design and Construction Procedures for Concrete Overlay and Widening of Existing Pavements | 20 | $299.00 |
OL436 | Design of Pre-stressed Concrete Bridge Members | 4 | $60.00 |
OL330 | Designing Shoulder Rumbles Strips Compatible with Bicyclists and Beneficial to Motorists | 10 | $150.00 |
OL462 | Different Methods of Surveying | 2 | $30.00 |
OL338 | Distress Identification Manual for the Long Term Pavement Performance Program | 24 | $329.00 |
OL550 | District of Columbia Original Boundary Markers | 2 | $30.00 |
OL666 | Dollar General Store Roof Collapse in Florida | 5 | $75.00 |
OL599 | Electric Power Grid Transition and Modernization | 3 | $45.00 |
OL667 | Electrical Project Management | 15 | $225.00 |
OL348 | Energy Recovery for Ventilation Air in Laboratories | 2 | $30.00 |
OL629 | Excavation Collapse | 3 | $45.00 |
OL437 | Extensive Wastewater Treatment Process | 6 | $90.00 |
OL612 | Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida | 11 | $165.00 |
OL628 | Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper Mill | 7 | $105.00 |
OL557 | Fundamental of Electricity and Electronics
| 3 | $45.00 |
OL229 | Fundamentals of Corner Restoration | 4 | $60.00 |
OL308 | Fundamentals of Diesel Engines, Heat Exchangers, Pumps and Valves | 17 | $255.00 |
OL197 | Fundamentals of Material Science | 10 | $150.00 |
OL327 | Future of Engineering Practice, Research and Education in America | 18 | $270.00 |
OL86 | General Principles of Pumping Stations and Layout | 4 | $60.00 |
OL32 | Generators and Motors | 15 | $225.00 |
OL33 | Geo Buried Treasure | 2 | $30.00 |
OL231 | GIS Terminology | 4 | $60.00 |
OL596 | Global Energy Transformation Path to 2050 | 10 | $150.00 |
OL309 | Green Building - Greening Federal Facilities | 20 | $300.00 |
OL213 | Green Building - LEED, Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings | 19 | $285.00 |
OL507 | Green Building Codes-Going Beyond Code | 12 | $180.00 |
OL212 | Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction | 6 | $90.00 |
OL35 | Green Building Rating Systems for Existing Buildings | 15 | $225.00 |
OL34 | Green Building Rating Systems for New Construction and Major Renovations | 10 | $150.00 |
OL214 | Green Building, LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations | 12 | $180.00 |
OL215 | Green Building; Sustainable Buildings | 6 | $90.00 |
OL216 | Green Remediation - Incorporating Sustainable Environmental Practices into Remediation of Contaminated Sites | 8 | $120.00 |
OL562 | Green Street
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL335 | Greenhouse Gas Emissions | 9 | $135.00 |
OL358 | Greenhouse Gas Inventory | 3 | $45.00 |
OL254 | Guidance on Risk Analysis and Safety Implications of a Large Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Spill Over Water | 20 | $300.00 |
OL433 | Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction | 11 | $165.00 |
OL518 | Guide to Long-Span Concrete Floors | 6 | $90.00 |
OL432 | Guidelines for Seismic Design of Tall Buildings | 8 | $120.00 |
OL256 | Guidelines for Surface Water Drainage Plan for a Municipal Solid Waste Facility | 2 | $30.00 |
OL311 | Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale- Environmental Impact | 30 | $349.00 |
OL257 | Hazard Communication Guidance for Combustible Dusts | 2 | $30.00 |
OL451 | Heating and Cooling of the Buildings | 11 | $165.00 |
OL87 | History of Coastal Engineering | 4 | $60.00 |
OL37 | Home Builder Guide I | 4 | $60.00 |
OL38 | Home Builder Guide II | 2 | $30.00 |
OL39 | Home Builder Guide III | 5 | $75.00 |
OL189 | Home Builder's Guide to Seismic Resistant Construction | 8 | $120.00 |
OL431 | Horizontal Curve Safety | 9 | $135.00 |
OL389 | How Boilers Work | 3 | $45.00 |
OL48 | How Chemicals Move from the Water into Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms | 7 | $105.00 |
OL366 | How Design and Construct an Earthquake Resistant House | 17 | $255.00 |
OL47 | How Safely Erect Steel | 3 | $45.00 |
OL42 | How to Avoid Earthquake Damage in New Buildings | 19 | $285.00 |
OL49 | How to Avoid Electrical Hazard | 2 | $30.00 |
OL46 | How to Avoid Health Hazard in Plumbing Cross Connections | 6 | $90.00 |
OL45 | How to Avoid Lead Exposure in the Construction Industry | 5 | $75.00 |
OL44 | How to Build a Radon Resistant Home | 8 | $120.00 |
OL563 | How to Concrete in Cold and Hot Weather
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL668 | How to Construct and Maintain Gravel Roads | 15 | $225.00 |
OL363 | How to Design & Construct a House to Withstand 150 MPH Wind | 32 | $349.00 |
OL40 | How to Design Buildings Against Terrorist Attacks | 8 | $120.00 |
OL334 | How to Design Golf Clubhouses | 9 | $135.00 |
OL391 | How to Design Sustainable Concrete Pavements | 16 | $239.00 |
OL588 | How to Do Site Work for Construction | 7 | $105.00 |
OL393 | How to Improve Soft Ground | 5 | $75.00 |
OL50 | How to Make Sure the Structures Built Near the Flood Zone are Safe | 3 | $45.00 |
OL648 | How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel Road | 3 | $45.00 |
OL647 | How to Mix Concrete by Hand | 2 | $30.00 |
OL43 | How to Preserve Historic Buildings | 18 | $270.00 |
OL364 | How to Protect Your House From Flooding | 15 | $225.00 |
OL547 | How to Put an Access Road on Your Property | 3 | $45.00 |
OL187 | How to Reduce Lead Hazard When Remodeling Your Home | 2 | $30.00 |
OL52 | How to Respond In Case Your Oil Tanker Has Grounded Offshore | 6 | $90.00 |
OL90 | How to Save Energy and Money at Home | 2 | $30.00 |
OL384 | How to Select an Air Compressor | 3 | $45.00 |
OL314 | How to Use Wind Energy to Power Your House | 3 | $45.00 |
OL359 | How to Visually Detect Flaws and Characteristics in Rolled Aluminum | 4 | $60.00 |
OL367 | How to Visually Screen Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazard | 15 | $225.00 |
OL53 | HVAC - Chillers, Refrigerant, Compressors and Heating Systems | 8 | $120.00 |
OL429 | HVAC Controls Introduction | 12 | $180.00 |
OL487 | HVAC for Home | 2 | $30.00 |
OL595 | Hybrid Power Plant Design | 9 | $135.00 |
OL266 | Hydrologic and Hydraulic Guidelines for Dams | 4 | $60.00 |
OL259 | Hydrologic and Hydraulic Guidelines for Dams in Texas | 4 | $60.00 |
OL452 | Illustrated Guidelines on Sustainability for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings | 4 | $60.00 |
OL184 | Improving Fan System Performance | 8 | $120.00 |
OL316 | Improving Process Heating System Performance | 11 | $165.00 |
OL310 | Improving Process Heating System Performance - 2nd Edition | 14 | $210.00 |
OL183 | Improving Steam System Performance | 14 | $210.00 |
OL333 | Increasing the Efficient Use of Highway Capacity | 10 | $150.00 |
OL301 | Indiana Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 4 | $36.00 |
OL260 | Industrial Heat Pumps for Steam and Fuel Savings | 3 | $45.00 |
OL360 | Innovative Scanning Antenna Systems for Advanced Recognition of Rail Collision Obstacle Detection and Automobile Collision Avoidance | 3 | $45.00 |
OL306 | Inspection of Highway and Rail Transit Tunnels | 12 | $180.00 |
OL126 | Installing Seismic Restraint for Duct and Pipe | 8 | $120.00 |
OL127 | Installing Seismic Restraints for Mechanical Equipment | 4 | $60.00 |
OL129 | Introduction to Amplifiers | 16 | $225.00 |
OL357 | Introduction to Batteries | 4 | $60.00 |
OL130 | Introduction to Circuit Protection | 16 | $240.00 |
OL91 | Introduction to Digital Computers | 15 | $225.00 |
OL92 | Introduction to Electrical Conductors, Wiring Techniques and Schematic Readings | 15 | $225.00 |
OL132 | Introduction to Electronic Emission, Tubes and Power Supplies | 18 | $270.00 |
OL133 | Introduction to Fiber Optics | 20 | $300.00 |
OL134 | Introduction to Matter, Energy and Direct Current | 22 | $330.00 |
OL93 | Introduction to Microelectronics | 15 | $225.00 |
OL94 | Introduction to Number System and Logic | 20 | $300.00 |
OL564 | Introduction to Paint and Coating
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL135 | Introduction to Solid State Devices and Power Supplies | 30 | $349.00 |
OL491 | Introduction to Transistors | 3 | $45.00 |
OL181 | Introduction to Wave-Generation and Wave-Shaping | 25 | $375.00 |
OL111 | Investigation of the Impact of Commercial Building Envelope Air Tightness on HVAC Energy Use | 5 | $75.00 |
OL261 | Landscape Irrigation Program | 6 | $90.00 |
OL522 | Large Power Transformers and the US Electric Grid | 7 | $105.00 |
OL582 | Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers | 1 | $15.00 |
OL178 | Leak Detection Methods for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks and Piping | 3 | $45.00 |
OL475 | Lighting, HVAC and Plumbing | 6 | $90.00 |
OL302 | Louisiana Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 3 | $27.00 |
OL398 | Manual for Repair of Fatigue Cracks in Steel Bridges | 20 | $299.00 |
OL519 | Maryland State Board of Engineers, Laws and Ethics | 2 | $30.00 |
OL520 | Maryland State Board of Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics | 2 | $30.00 |
OL615 | Masonry Wall Collapse | 2 | $30.00 |
OL565 | Minor Road Damage Repair
| 3 | $45.00 |
OL594 | Modernization of Electric Power System | 8 | $120.00 |
OL137 | Modulation in Radio-Frequency | 20 | $300.00 |
OL177 | Mold Remediation in School | 2 | $30.00 |
OL355 | Nanotechnology and Sustainability | 5 | $75.00 |
OL269 | Natural Gas Unlocking the Low Carbon Future | 8 | $120.00 |
OL503 | NEC 2017 Code Changes in Definition | 2 | $30.00 |
OL500 | NEC 2017 Code Changes in Equipment for General Use | 5 | $75.00 |
OL501 | NEC 2017 Code Changes in Wiring and Protection | 5 | $75.00 |
OL502 | NEC 2017 Code Changes in Wiring Methods and Materials | 3 | $45.00 |
OL660 | NEC 2020 Code Changes for One and Two Family Residential and Commercial Electrical Installations | 7 | $105.00 |
OL354 | Offshore Wind Energy | 2 | $30.00 |
OL344 | Optimal Design of a Golf Club | 4 | $60.00 |
OL566 | OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL471 | Pavement Markings | 2 | $30.00 |
OL626 | Plant Collapse at Omaha Nebraska | 4 | $60.00 |
OL580 | Porous Asphalt Pavement | 1 | $15.00 |
OL401 | Post-Tensioning Installation and Grouting Manual | 25 | $345.00 |
OL558 | Powers, Resistance, Capacitors and Inductance
| 6 | $90.00 |
OL470 | Practical Temperature Measurements | 6 | $90.00 |
OL469 | Pressure Measurement | 2 | $30.00 |
OL611 | Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri | 12 | $180.00 |
OL468 | Principles and Application of Radio Frequency Identification | 3 | $45.00 |
OL479 | Quality Control Quality Assurance Manual for Asphalt Concrete Production and Placement | 10 | $150.00 |
OL467 | Quality Control Quality Manual for Hot Mix Asphalt | 10 | $150.00 |
OL371 | Recommendations and Technical Guidelines for Midwest Tornadoes | 20 | $300.00 |
OL646 | Residential Structural Guide 2nd Edition | 10 | $150.00 |
OL352 | Review of Orifice Plate Steam Traps | 3 | $45.00 |
OL351 | Risk Management Guide for Information Technology System | 8 | $120.00 |
OL567 | Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement
| 1 | $15.00 |
OL591 | Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Illinois Structural and Professional Engineers | 1 | $18.00 |
OL592 | Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Managers and Employees | 2 | $29.00 |
OL579 | Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying | 4 | $60.00 |
OL570 | Storm Management Handbook
| 12 | $180.00 |
OL465 | Surveying Field Formulae | 3 | $45.00 |
OL625 | Tank Explosion in West Virginia | 6 | $90.00 |
OL340 | The Physics of Golf | 8 | $120.00 |
OL480 | The Real Leadership Lessons From Steve Jobs | 2 | $30.00 |
OL610 | Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, Texas | 12 | $180.00 |
OL545 | Tractor Use, Operation and Safety | 3 | $45.00 |
OL559 | Transistors, Vacuum Tubes, Filtering and Amplifier
| 4 | $60.00 |
OL623 | Trench Collapse | 1 | $12.00 |
OL382 | UK Shale Fracking | 2 | $30.00 |
OL578 | Unmanned Aerial Systems in Marine Science and Conservation | 3 | $45.00 |
OL390 | Visual Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Concrete Roads | 4 | $60.00 |
OL341 | Wood Frame Construction | 7 | $105.00 |